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It would be almosttooperfect.Toostorybook.

But then, I think back to that fortune …

I shake my head at myself. If Grant could read my mind right now, he’d have a field day.

But even though I didn’t get to look at her for too long, her height was just right, as was her build, as was her sleek, dark hair …

Tomorrow, during our next session, I’m going to find out her name. Even if I have to jog right beside her while she rushes to her next class.

And if she answers what I dare to hope …

I’m pulled back to reality as I feel a heavy weight slam into my back. I stumble forward, needing to brace my palms against the locker in front of me to keep balance.

“Fuck, yeah!” Hunter yells, hands on my shoulders and his legs around my waist as he’s just jumped onto my back. “Ridley fucking Hot Shots! Back-to-back champs!”

Tristan laughs, patting Hunter on the back. “Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, kid. We’re not even in the Frozen Four yet. The championship’s a long way away.”

Hunter hops off my back. “Hey, stop calling me kid.” He points to Walsh who’s walking by with a towel wrapped around his waist. When Ryder moved out of the Ice Box last semester, Walsh moved in, taking the spot of youngest roommate from Hunter. “He’sthe kid now!”

Tristan glances between Walsh and Hunter. He shrugs. “This is my last year and I’m too used to callingyoukid. You can’t ask an old dog for new tricks.”

A momentary trace of bittersweetness is laced though the jubilant atmosphere at Tristan’s reminder of how many of the guys aren’t going to be here next year.

But tonight’s win was so big and came after such a hard-fought and well-played game, that even that isn’t able to drag down the feeling. Everyone’s still excited and celebrating.

Luckily, there’s no post-game press conference or scheduled interviews this evening.

After we’re all showered and dressed, we’re planning on heading to Lucky Chang’s to stuff ourselves with a delicious Chinese dinner. We’ve got another big game coming up over the weekend, an away game at that, so this isn’t a victory that we have the luxury of celebrating with a party and drinks.

I tell the guys to start walking over without me as I need to hit the bathroom before I go.

Once my hands are washed and I’m out, the hallways are mostly empty. Sometimes the post-game frenzy can last a while, but on a Wednesday evening game early in the Spring semester, people usually clear out and head home quickly.

I turn a corner towards the exit, and suddenly find myself frozen.

My heart skips a beat, my stomach feels like it does a somersault.

Standing down the hallway, just a few short yards away, is the girl from my Psych class. She’s leaning against the wall, turned away from me at profile view.

She wears a Hot Shots jersey, and I feel a sudden rush of jealousy surge through me as I catch a glimpse of the number and realize it’s not my own.

But the feeling doesn’t take deep roots, as my mind is otherwise occupied by realizing how fucking good her legs look in the tight pair of jeans she wears. Not to mention how good the curve of her perky tits looks in the oversized jersey.

Her hair is dark, raven-black; her cute button-nose and small, round chin look downright adorable as she stares down at her phone.

Suddenly, she turns towards me.

Our gazes lock, and I drink in the smooth blueness of her eyes.

She pushes away from the wall and stands up straight, angling herself towards me. Adrenaline courses through my veins.

I know exactly when the last time was that I felt such a buzz of desire looking at a girl …

I start to walk towards her—but, suddenly, Coach of all people appears from an adjacent hallway.

My brow raises in surprise as he wraps his arm around her and plants a kiss on the top of her head.

What the heck?
