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"Hmm…to sum it up, it was fun, a lot of hard work, and I learned quite a bit. The season went smooth until World War III erupted at the end."

Rada leans forward, an eagerness in her expression. "That sounds wonderfully intriguing. What happened at the end?"

"Oh, nothing shattering, except I met a woman, decided I liked her, and then I screwed it up."

"Oooh, do tell me what happened?"

"I will if you promise not to rub in how much of an idiot I am. I'm still gutted about it."

"I promise. What's the woman's name, and where's she from?"

"Brittany Walker, and she's from New York. We met in Budapest, had what was supposed to be a one-night stand, and then she shocked the hell out of me by being one of the passengers on my cruise."

"What? Oh, no, no, no. You need to start from the beginning because I can already tell this will be a deliciously insane story."

"I need more whiskey first." Dane gets up and pours himself another drink. He downs it, then retakes his seat. After getting comfortable, he pours out the story.

Rada is captivated, giggling at times as she listens, especially when Dane tells her about the ladies conniving to sneak him into Brittany's cabin.

"You are so smitten," Rada teases when he finishes the story. "I haven't seen that look on your face since you were in secondary school."

"Hmm, I remember. Daniela Stoyan. My first girlfriend, and the one who broke my teenage heart."

Rada rolls her eyes. "You're so dramaticand a bloody tosser."

"Hey, you promised. No comments about my being an idiot," Dane says defensively, his eyes narrowing.

Rada scoffs. "I can't keep that promise after hearing what you did. Why in bloody hell would you think she hated you?"

"Because I didn't trust her enough to tell her who I was. Not to mention, I likely caused her to lose a promotion and possibly her job."

"Brother, you are so naive sometimes. It sounds like she was hurt, shocked, and angry. If she truly hated you, it was momentary. After her anger subsided, I would wager she realized you both did the same thing. Rather than do nothing and let her go, you should have asserted yourself and gone after her. How else is she supposed to know you care?"

"You can't be serious? I saw the anger in her eyes. Brittany didn't want anything to do with me. Hell, if she had a weapon, I'd probably be on the bottom of the Danube right now."

"She was hurt, and you're exaggerating. And you better do something to fix the situation. If you wait much longer, she really will hate you."

The door suddenly inches open, redirecting their attention as they wait to see who it is. Eloise pokes her blond head into the room.

"Dane. There you are. I've been looking for you. I'd heard you returned and wanted to welcome you home." Eloise takes several steps into the room. She's wearing an emerald green cocktail dress, her breasts daringly visible with its plunging neckline.

"You found me." Dane fakes a smile. "Rada and I were catching up on what's happened since I've been gone."

Dane studies Eloise, automatically comparing her to Brittany. Brittany is taller and more shapely, her features soft and naturally beautiful, almost glowing. At first glance, Eloise could be called stunning, but when you look closer, her featuresare sharp and cold, her brown eyes prying. They match her personality. Not the personality she displays when she's weaving her web. It's the other one—the true one that only comes out after she's buried her claws into you and secured you as hers. Eloise is a lesson in duplicity. And now he understands why he never tried as hard as he could have to make their relationship work. Eloise wasn't the woman for him. She wasn't the one who caused him sleepless nights, breathless daydreams, and a thumping heart.

She also wasn't worth the monumental effort required to make her happy.

"We're having such an intriguing conversation," Rada pipes in. "Dane's been telling me about the new woman in his life—an American who seems to have captured his attention."

Eloise stiffens. "Really? I can't wait to hear about her."

"I'm sure you can't. You'd enjoy Dane's commentary, too. The way he talks about Brittany is so adorable. I'd say my brother is beyond smitten. And it sounds like his lady is quite delightful."

"She sounds…lovely. Well, I should leave you to your conversation." Eloise's voice is crisp, her back rigidly straight as she glares at Dane. She swivels and quickly leaves the room.

"Christ, you are vicious." Dane frowns, his hands gripping the arms of his chair. "You realize she'll take what you just did out on me. Right?"

"Oh, tosh. Who cares? If the arse throws a wobbler, tell her to put a sock in it."

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