Page 40 of For Now

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Skunk barked and looked up at her with his big eyes, melting away a fraction of Morgan's anxiety. She knelt down and hugged her dog, and he wagged his tail happily, and for just a moment, Morgan felt okay.

"We'll figure this out, boy," Morgan said. "We always do."

Skunk licked her face in response, and for a moment, Morgan forgot about the nagging doubts that plagued her.


Morgan stood in a sea of sand, the grains shifting beneath her feet as she watched a little boy playing in a sandbox. His laughter rang out, echoing against the bars of the nearby zoo enclosures. She squinted, trying to make out his face, but there was only a blur where it should have been. A rush of urgency filled her chest, and she called out to him, taking a step forward.

"Hey, wait!" she shouted, reaching out a hand. "Come back!"

The boy didn't seem to hear her, or perhaps he chose not to listen. He darted away from the sandbox, weaving between the cages of exotic animals. Morgan broke into a run, determined to catch up to him. Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out the sounds of roaring lions and screeching monkeys.

"Please," she whispered between labored breaths. "I just want to help you."

As she chased the faceless child, her surroundings shifted around her like a kaleidoscope. The zoo melted away, replaced by a bustling city street. The boy sprinted ahead, his small body disappearing behind a double-decker bus. She pursued him through winding alleyways and crowded parks, each location blending into the next.

"Who are you?" Morgan demanded, frustration clawing at her insides. "Why won't you let me catch you?"

Finally, the chase led her to the solemn quiet of a church. Stained glass windows cast multicolored light onto the stone floor, and the scent of burning candles filled the air. The boy stood before the altar, his back to her.

"Please," she begged again, her voice echoing through the hallowed space. "Turn around. Let me see your face."

Slowly, the boy turned to face her, but what she saw made her blood turn cold. The blurred features had twisted and distorted, transforming into the visage of a grown man. His wide, eerie grin revealed an impossible number of teeth crammed into his mouth like rows of serrated knives. As she stared in horror, they began to spill out, clattering onto the floor with a sickening sound.

"NO!" Morgan screamed, her voice cracking with terror.

"Help me," the man whispered, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of falling teeth. "Please, help me."

Morgan's scream echoed through the church, the sound reverberating off stone walls and shattering the fragile calm of the sanctuary.

Morgan awoke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. Her breath came in short gasps as she tried to shake off the terror of the dream. Disoriented, she glanced around the darkened room, her eyes struggling to focus on her familiar surroundings. The couch cushions clung to her sweat-soaked body like an unwanted embrace.

"Skunk," she whispered hoarsely, reaching out to find her loyal Pitbull beside her. He whined softly, nuzzling his cold nose into her hand as if he understood the nightmare that had held her captive. "Ugh, what time is it?" Morgan muttered, fumbling for her phone on the coffee table.

As the screen lit up, she squinted at the time: 10:00 p.m. She'd fallen asleep almost immediately after getting home from work.

"Sorry, boy," she apologized, running her fingers through Skunk's fur. "I didn't mean to leave you hanging all night. Guess I was more tired than I thought."

Skunk tilted his head, his brown eyes filled with concern as he studied her face. Morgan couldn't help but smile at his expressive gaze, grateful for the comfort and companionship he provided. With a sigh, she pushed herself up from the couch, feeling the weight of her exhaustion settle over her like a heavy blanket.

"Feels like every day is a long day lately," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we'll get through it, won't we?"

As if in agreement, Skunk let out a low woof, his tail wagging gently behind him. Despite the emotional turmoil swirling inside her, Morgan couldn't help but feel a small sense of relief. No matter how dark the world around her became, she knew Skunk would be there, a beacon of loyalty and love in her life.

"Alright," she sighed, trying to shake off the remnants of her nightmare. "Let's get some food in you, and maybe I'll try to sleep this off properly. Tomorrow's another day, right?"

Skunk barked enthusiastically, bounding towards the kitchen with newfound energy. As Morgan followed, she tried to focus on the simple routine tasks ahead of her, hoping they would provide a distraction from the lingering dread that clung to her like a shadow.

But even as she prepared Skunk's meal and made her way to her bedroom, the haunting image of the man with too many teeth lurked at the edges of her mind, a chilling reminder that there was still so much left unresolved.

Morgan scooped the last handful of kibble into Skunk's bowl, her thoughts wandering back to the day's events. She could still feel the weight of the handcuffs on her belt as she clicked them around Johnny's wrists, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance. Derik had been so sure he was their guy, but there was something about Johnny that just... didn't fit for Morgan.

"Hey, Skunk," she murmured, watching as her faithful companion devoured his dinner. "Do you think we got the right guy? I mean, Derik's usually spot on, but something feels off."

Skunk looked up from his meal, chewing thoughtfully as if considering her question before returning his attention to the food.

"Guess it's not your job to solve crimes, is it?" Morgan sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. She pulled out her phone and checked for any missed calls or texts – nothing. If anyone else on the team had doubts, they weren't sharing them.
