Page 42 of For Once

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"An artist, huh?" Morgan mused, trying to keep the conversation going. "Is that why you chose birds as your medium? To prove that you're not afraid of them?"

"Enough!" Adam roared, but Morgan could see the truth behind his rage. He was afraid, and she had managed to get inside his head, forcing him to confront the very thing he'd been running from all these years.

"Am I getting too close, Adam?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that what you're afraid of? That I'll see the real you?"

"Shut up," he growled again, his hands shaking with renewed fury. But it was too late; Morgan had seen behind the mask, and she knew that beneath his monstrous exterior, Adam Sallow was just a scared, broken man.

Seeing that Morgan had managed to get under his skin, Adam's face twisted into a snarl as he strode over to the table where he kept his tools. He picked up a syringe filled with an unknown substance and began advancing towards her. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" he spat.

Morgan's heart raced as she watched him approach, the needle gleaming in the dimly lit room. Her fingers fumbled with the last of the tight knots binding her wrists, sweat slicking her palms. She had to time this just right.

"Go ahead," she taunted him, trying to keep her voice steady. "Do it. It won't change who you are."

Adam's eyes flashed with anger, and he lunged forward, jabbing the needle into her arm. The moment it pierced her skin, Morgan yanked her hands free from the restraints and grabbed his wrist, using her strength to twist it away from her body. With her other hand, she wrapped her forearm around his throat, squeezing tightly as she pulled him backward.

"Is this how it feels, Adam? To be completely powerless?" she hissed through gritted teeth. She could feel his pulse throb beneath her grip, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He clawed at her arm, nails digging into her flesh, but she refused to let go.

As the drug began to course through her veins, Morgan felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Her vision blurred, and her limbs grew heavy, but she willed herself to maintain her chokehold on Adam. Time was running out.

"Come on, Morgan," she muttered under her breath, shutting her eyes for a brief moment. "Just a little longer."

Finally, Adam's struggles began to weaken, and his body went limp in her arms. The second she felt his consciousness slip away, Morgan released him and let him crumple to the ground. She stumbled over to a nearby cabinet, rummaging through it until she found some rope. Fighting against the disorienting effects of the drug, she managed to tie Adam's hands and feet securely.

"Got you," she whispered, breathing heavily. With her captor subdued, Morgan turned her attention to Alexandra, her heart aching for the woman who had endured so much at Adam's hands. She rushed to her side, checking for signs of life. To her relief, she felt a faint pulse beneath her fingertips.

"Stay with me, just a little longer," Morgan murmured as she began working on the knots binding Alexandra to the chair. "Help is coming. I promise."


The sterile scent of the hospital room filled Morgan's nostrils as she sat on the examination table, her legs swinging idly over the edge. Her gaze wandered around the room, taking in the bland walls and neatly arranged equipment. A doctor entered, his eyes briefly studying the chart in his hands before he looked up at her.

"Agent Cross, I must say you're quite fortunate," the doctor began, adjusting his glasses. "Mr. Sallow didn't administer a high enough dose of the drug to cause any lasting damage. You'll likely feel drowsy for a while, but there shouldn't be any other side effects."

"Great," Morgan grumbled, rubbing her arm where the needle had pierced her skin. "Anything else?"

"Well, there's that gash on your forehead," the doctor said, turning his attention to the wound. He prodded it gently with gloved fingers, eliciting a wince from Morgan. "What happened there?"

"Uh, a fender bender," she lied smoothly. "Smacked my head on the steering wheel."

"Must have been quite an impact," he mused, shining a penlight into her eyes. "I'm seeing some signs of a mild concussion. You should really take it easy for a few days."

"Thanks for the advice, doc," Morgan replied, slipping off the table and grabbing her jacket. "But I've got things to do."

"Like what?" the doctor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Checking on my partner," she said tersely, her mind already on Derik. She needed to see him, make sure he was okay after Adam had struck him. The doctor frowned, but sensing her determination, he nodded reluctantly.

"Very well, Agent Cross. Just don't push yourself too hard," he cautioned, watching her leave the room.

Morgan ignored his warning and strode down the hallway, her thoughts racing. Even after backup had arrived and Adam Sallow was taken into custody, Derik hadn't regained consciousness. The image of him lying motionless on the floor haunted her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that settled in her chest.

Derik had been there for her when no one else was, and despite their rocky past, he was the closest thing to family she had left. As she approached his hospital room, Morgan steeled herself for what she might find. She had to be strong – for both of them.

Morgan hurried through the sterile hospital corridors, her heart pounding in her ears. The smell of antiseptic filled her nostrils as she scanned the room numbers, searching for Derik's. A nurse carrying a clipboard noticed her frantic expression and approached.

"Can I help you find someone?" the nurse asked kindly.

"Derik Greene," Morgan replied breathlessly. "Is he awake yet?"
