Page 36 of For Once

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"Let's focus on what we can control," he suggested, squeezing her shoulder before they returned to their team.

As they re-entered the fray, Morgan steeled herself for the battle ahead, praying that they would find Adam Sallow before another life was lost to his twisted obsession.

Morgan's gaze swept across the busy room, her heart pounding as she watched her team diligently scouring through endless streams of data. The hum of computer fans and the clacking of keyboards filled the air. Her gut twisted with a nagging sense of urgency; Adam Sallow was still out there, and time was running out.

Just then, a young agent, sweat beading on his forehead, hurried over to Morgan and Derik. "Agents Cross and Greene," he panted, "we may have something. A woman just called the police about her roommate not coming home on time. She's worried."

"Show us," Morgan said, her voice sharp and commanding.

The agent led them to his workstation, where he pulled up a file on the reported missing person: Alexandra Bennett. As Morgan looked at the screen, she felt a chill run down her spine. Alexandra's appearance was strikingly unique; her blonde hair contrasted with patches of light and dark skin caused by a rare pigment condition. Morgan knew in her gut that this woman could very well be the killer's next prey.

"Derik, look at this," she said, her voice tense. "She's exactly the kind of person Sallow would target."

"Damn it," Derik muttered, his green eyes narrowing as he studied Alexandra's picture. "We need to find her, fast."

Morgan turned to the young agent. "I want you to dig into Alexandra Bennett's life. Find out everything you can – where she works, who she knows, any patterns in her daily routine. We need to figure out where Sallow might strike."

"Understood, Agent Cross," he nodded, already typing furiously.

As the team delved into the search for Alexandra, Morgan couldn't shake the image of the young woman from her mind. With each passing moment, the knot in her stomach tightened further, the dread of losing another life to Adam Sallow's twisted obsession hanging heavy in the air.

"Derik," she said quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "We have to find her before it's too late."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with determination. "We will, Morgan. We won't let him take another life."

"Everyone, listen up!" Morgan raised her voice, commanding the attention of the entire team. "We need to find Alexandra Bennett as soon as possible. Pull all available resources – check workplace security footage, traffic cameras, anything that'll give us a lead on her whereabouts. And I want that APB on Adam Sallow spread far and wide. We need to catch this guy, and we need to do it now."

The room burst into action, agents scrambling to their computers and phones, coordinating with other departments and local law enforcement. Morgan could sense the urgency in the air, the weight of life and death hanging over them all.

"Derik, hold on," she called out as he began to walk away. Her partner turned back, concern etched on his face.

"What's up, Morgan?" Derik asked, eyes searching hers for any sign of what was going through her mind.

"Look, I've been thinking about something," she said, scanning Adam Sallow's file. "His mother still lives here in Dallas. I think I should go talk to her, see if she can provide any insight into his life, maybe even where he is right now."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? We don't know what she might be like…" Derik hesitated, the worry evident in his tone.

"Derik, I appreciate your concern, but it's a lead we can't afford to ignore. You stay here and help the team; I'll go talk to Nancy alone." Morgan insisted, determination in her eyes.

"Alright, just…be careful, okay?" Derik sighed, his concern giving way to the understanding that they had no choice but to pursue every lead. "Call me if you need backup."

"Will do," she replied, offering him a reassuring smile. With one last look around the buzzing room, Morgan grabbed her jacket and headed out, her thoughts consumed by the hope that talking to Nancy Sallow would finally bring them closer to stopping the killer who had haunted their lives for far too long.


The night was heavy with humidity, and Morgan could feel droplets of sweat forming on her brow as she parked her car outside the small, quaint home. It stood out in stark contrast to Adam's dilapidated house from earlier, well-taken care of with charming ornaments scattered throughout the front yard. A soft glow emanated from inside, likely the flicker of a TV screen, indicating that Nancy might still be awake despite the late hour.

As Morgan sat in her car, she couldn't help but feel a certain heaviness in her chest, a mix of dread and anticipation swirling within her. This was it – the moment where they could finally gain some insight into the mind of a killer, potentially leading them one step closer to stopping him. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that was about to take place, and stepped out of the car.

The gravel crunched under her feet as she approached the front door, each step echoing through the otherwise silent night. Her hand hovered over the doorbell, nerves causing her fingers to tremble ever so slightly. Morgan knew she had to tread carefully here; Nancy Sallow was the mother of a murderer, and there was no telling how she might react to the news.

"Stay focused, Morgan," she whispered to herself, pushing away any lingering doubts as she rang the doorbell.

It didn't take long for the door to creak open, revealing an older woman dressed in a nightgown, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. Morgan wasted no time in introducing herself, flashing her FBI badge and asking if she was speaking to Nancy Sallow. The woman hesitated for a brief moment before confirming her identity.

"Mrs. Sallow, I'm Agent Morgan Cross, and I need to talk to you about your son, Adam." Morgan watched as Nancy's expression shifted from suspicion to concern, clearly sensing that something was amiss.

"Is... is he in trouble?" Nancy asked, her voice wavering slightly.
