Page 41 of Jump Back On

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J.D. threw his hands up and turned, soaking in the love of his fans. The red trim on his chaps flashed in the light, proving there was a little metallic something in all the fringe hanging from his legs. And when he was done, he jogged up the ramp to the top of the bull pen and took his place.

"Now, let us introduce you to the most important members of the PBR, our safety team!" the announcer said.

Jorge, Isaac, and Tanner came out from one of the side gates wearing their signature colors, but my eyes were on Tanner. That kiss he'd given me! Yeah, I was still willing to smile about it. I didn't even care if someone wondered why I looked like a giddy little girl.

"Hey," the guy beside me whispered.

I looked over to see Wes Gilbert. Tonight, I was a rank above him instead of one below. "Hey," I replied.

He grinned. "How is it they screwed you over back in Cheyenne, and you still moved ahead of me?"

"Short legs," I told him. "Hell, I dunno."

He laughed. "Well, at least Austin's a few spots away - even if it is higher - so we don't have to listen to him."

"Truth!" I agreed.

And then the announcer introduced a local pastor who began the evening's prayer. Like everyone else down here on the dirt, I pulled off my hat, bowed my head, and gave those words my complete attention. The prayer was for our safety and health. It didn't matter what denomination. This sport was dangerous enough I was willing to take all the help I could get.

After that came the national anthem. Around me, the guys sang with voices that couldn't find the right pitch, but it didn't matter. The smell in the air was starting to get to me. Gunpowder, bull shit, and fresh dirt. Combined, I'd never smelled anything like this except the PBR, and for me, this was still a dream come true.

This was showmanship, and I was here to give this crowd a damned good show. I didn't care if they liked me. Hell, if they needed me to become the bad girl of the PBR, I'd figure out how to give a whole new meaning to "bitch," because I was doing this. I was really, truly doing this!

As soon as Cletus, the PBR's clown, took over, we riders all started moving for the gate. The bulls would start being loaded into the chutes right about now. I was in the middle of the pack, so I still had some time, which meant I could call my daddy.

The moment we were out of sight, I turned my feet for my gear. I had my phone in my bag, along with everything else I'd need tonight. Weaving between the chutes, I paused to pet a bull who looked a little too needy. Maybe that was why I wasn't the first back.

"Took ya long enough," J.D. said as I stepped into the area he'd claimed.

I scoffed. "Unlike you, I wasn't on the bullpen with a quick trip down."

"Shit," he drawled. "Means you should've been faster." Then he looked at me for just a little too long. "You good, Cody?"

"Real good," I promised as I knelt to find my phone.

"No bullshit, girl," he chided. "I saw you pause when you saw Ty. You gonna be good out there? Out where you're gonna rub shoulders with him?"

Finding my phone, I unlocked the screen and looked up at my mentor. "You watch me, J.D. No man's going to throw me off my game."

"And that's why you're my rookie," he praised before jerking his chin at my phone. "Calling Dad?"


"Well, then give me your rubber band, because I'm braiding your hair. For good luck, ya know?"

I passed over the tie I kept on my wrist with one hand. The other scrolled through my contacts until I found my father. Pressing the button, I lifted the phone to my ear while J.D. played with my hair. It was a lot nicer than I expected.

"Hey, kiddo!" my father answered.

"Daddy!" I replied. "Hey, just letting you know we're done with the opening ceremonies. I'm in sixteenth - "

"Place," he broke in, finishing my sentence. "Yep, and you looked good on my new TV. Got a bigger one so I can see you better."

"Dad!" I groaned. "You're supposed to fix the truck, not buy a TV."

"I did both," he promised. "And Marco - Gerardo's new guy - thought we were bullshitting him about you being a real bull rider." He laughed. "You believe us yet?" Clearly, that last bit wasn't to me.

I heard a younger guy respond in the background, which made my father laugh. Then there was another, and yet another man after that.

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