Page 5 of Artfully Bred

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His wife is a trained assassin and a strategist like no other. She and Ana were both trained by the same school. Both can see the broader picture without the emotion. They care and are very loving to those they trust, but both are able to lock feelings in a box to do what needs to be done. I’d worked with Anatonia several times before I got out of the military when she was with British intelligence. Luna, on the other hand, I guarded for a year. She helped me with organizing my business. I’ve watched both women kill without remorse, but I’ve also watched them fight for those they love.

Luna smirks as she turns away from us. Over her shoulder, she says, “Besides, I’ve been training Tori. She won’t let that fucker touch her. The only reason she didn’t fight her dad was because of the gun. He caught her by surprise.”

I follow behind her. Dario rushes past me to get to the kitchen before her.

“I’ll make you something,mio angelo,” he says as he opens the fridge and rummages through it.

“No one knows about your place. Use that to hide out in for a few weeks. That should be long enough to get this engagement broken.”

“I’ll marry her to prevent him from marrying her,” I say, and Dario turns to look at me. “I’m serious.” I’ve already put my cum into her. She could be carrying my baby right now.

After Dario feeds Luna and gets her settled into the family room, he directs me to his office. I walk past him and into Vittoria’s suite. I see the painting on the easel that I didn’t pay attention to last night. She used to do lots of landscapes, but she’s changed to more abstract portrait styles. The piece on hereasel is of a woman. It must be her. I can make out her face and hair, but the rest is a blend of watercolors. The woman is being held by a faceless man also done in a blend of watercolors. Only a few features can be seen. I can feel her heart in this piece. I know it’s me holding her. I know this is how she feels with her need for me, but I shut her out.

I had no choice but to walk away. I didn’t do it just to make the money to prove to her father I was good enough for her, but because he threatened to send her away. I couldn’t handle being away from her, but I could at least see her. If I couldn’t, I’d probably go crazy.

“She did that one last year. She won’t sell it. It’s not her current work.” I turn to see Dario leaning against the doorframe. “Come.” He motions me to follow him.

He moves past his office and toward the large circular staircase. He had been slowly working on finishing the rooms the last I was here. As we get to the top, I see it’s done. He turns to his right and starts for a closed door.

“She’s not going to be happy you’re showing him that.” Luna’s voice comes from downstairs, and I notice there is a section open to the family room below us.

“She’ll get over it.”

He pulls a key from his pocket to unlock the door. When I step in, I almost drop to my knees. There are a few of her landscapes around the room, but the space is full of the newer abstract watercolor works of pain and couples. She has several more of the couple from downstairs in different embraces. One of him holding her in his arms kissing her forehead. But the ones full of pain are of just the woman crying or screaming. Several of them. I can feel the loneliness in them. I wasn’t the only one of us suffering. She hid it so well in public, but in here she couldn’t.

“She missed you.” Dario’s voice breaks through my pain.

“This isn’t just missing. This is agony. I bloody did this to her,” I bark and throw my arms wide, taking it all in. “I thought it was just me.”

A painting partially under a canvas drape catches my attention. I walk over, moving the others out of the way to pull it out. As the canvas slides off it, my breath hitches. I know this moment.

It’s the last time she saw me. We were at a family dinner in Venice for Luna’s family. She was in a long red gown with an open back. She was standing looking out over the water to the city across the canal. Her back is to the viewer. It was what I saw, and, in that moment, I knew I couldn’t stay away anymore. I had walked over and spun her around, kissing her with everything in me. I told her she was mine and that I would talk to her father. The next day I spoke to him, and he threatened her if I didn’t leave. Told me he wasn’t going to see all of his hard work go to waste and marry his daughter off to a no-name hired muscle. I walked out of her home without seeing her. I knew I had to do more with my life, build more wealth. All I was at the time was an honorably discharged Australian military soldier, who was building his own private security business. I had set Dario up to watch over her and told him my intention. He told me then I could have her, that he saw the way we looked at each other. He knew it was real. But I told him I needed her father’s blessing.

I was so wrong. I’ve got the money to give her a beautiful life, but I hurt both of us in the process. Mostly, I missed something. Her father looked desperate today. I need to find out what is going on. First, I’m going to get her back and put my baby in her belly so he can’t take her away from me again. Then I’m setting her up with her own personal security so no one can get near her again.

“Pack it up.” I turn and walk out, trying to hold in the emotion. This room broke me.

“What?” Dario has a shocked look on his face, and I stop. My hand lands on his shoulders. He’s as tall as my six foot five.

“Pack up this room and her bedroom. She will be moving in with me tonight.”

A slow grin spreads across his face, and he nods.

“On it.”

I walk out and get ready for tonight. I need a few trusted men to go with me. I’m leading this one personally. It’s been a while, but I haven’t lost my touch.

chapter three


Iturn slowly in front of the mirror. My hair is in a low and loose bun at the back of my neck. My father wanted me to wear a white or red dress, but I don’t wear red anymore. Instead, I pulled a gown from the back of my closet that I haven’t worn yet. It’s a black backless mermaid dress with thick straps at my shoulders and a sweetheart neckline that settles just over the swell of my small breasts. I like it because it makes them look bigger. But it’s not too much. I don’t want to be over-the-top sexy tonight because I’m not going to marry Mustafa. I’m going to make that known tonight. I don’t know how Spencer is going to stop this, but I’ll do it on my own if I have to.

A soft knock on my door has me pausing at my perusal. The key turns in the lock, and it opens. My father locked me in my room with the order to make myself look nice and what he preferred me to wear. I tried the balcony doors, but they are locked from the outside with some kind of bar over them.

Mynonnasteps into the room, and I rush to her when she opens her arms. I can’t stop the tears as they come down.

“La mia bambina, I’m so sorry. I tried to talk him out of this, but he refuses to change his mind.” She pats my back, and that’s when I notice she’s not in a gown but her normal attire of a pantsuit with her apron over it.

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