Page 7 of Punk-In

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The shocked look on his face was followed by tears that had my heart nearly breaking in half.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“We thought you could use some friends,” I replied.

Van broke down again and nodded, ushering us inside.

“I… normally, I’m the one managing everything, but I can’t seem to make a decision. And my father, he… he’s still in shock.”

Bibi gently placed a hand on Van’s. “I’m here to help you organize anything you need. Where’s your dad?”

“He’s asleep right now.”

“Why don’t you tell me where the kitchen is, and I’ll go make us coffee to start.”

“Down the hallway, to the right. And thanks, Bibi.”

She nodded and walked off, leaving Van and me standing in his parents’ living room. The place was cozy and warm, with a large bay window overlooking the yard.

Suddenly, I was self-conscious like I never was.

What the fuck could I do for Van? What did I know about the kind of loss he was dealing with? I was just a cocky musician with a penchant for mouthing off.

“This was all your idea, wasn’t it?” Van asked as he stared at me.

Instead of saying yes, I nodded.

“You never cease to amaze me,” Van continued. “Thank you.”

“I told you, we’re friends. So there’s no thanks necessary.”

Van stepped closer and pulled me in for a hug.

It surprised me, and when he pulled back, I could see the same look on his face.

Then he wiped his tears and urged me to sit down.

We spent the next hour talking.

Don’t ask me what we talked about. I don’t remember. I just recall staring into his blue eyes and thinking that I wanted to do something, anything, to help him.

I could tell he was grateful for the distraction. And for the company.

Van was used to being the caretaker. It was nice to give him something in return, even if it was just for a moment.

Yeah, I usually gave him a hard time, but I knew he had my back.

And from that moment on, I had his.




“I’m not recording this piece of shit you call a song. It’s garbage.”

I finished talking and stared at Van and then Greg.
