Page 150 of Punk-In

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Bandit Music, on the other hand, went through a rough period of bad press and lower profits when Wayward left, and several other bands followed suit (including Killmine).

Brodie and I had thought about starting our own label, but we weren’t sure we’d have the time to dedicate to such a venture. Maybe someday. For now, I was content writing songs for the band and for other artists.

And our life together?

There were still times when he was on the road, or at an event, or an interview, and I stayed home. But for the most part, I was with him. And nothing made me happier.

I may be middle-aged, but after falling in love with Brodie, my heart was forever young.

And our dreams together were just beginning.


After a grueling rehearsal, I was ready to call it a night and blow off some steam.

I turned and found Van standing in the wings, watching me.

Like always, being the center of his attention had me lighting up. I placed my guitar aside and all but ran over to him.

The guys had been witness to the displays of affection between my husband and me over the past six months and had teased us mercilessly. When they’d start in, Van and I gave them a choice finger and kept on doing whatever we wanted.

And there was nothing I wanted more than him.

Van was the greatest gift of my life. One I never, ever took for granted.

After signing with a new label, the boys and I tested out some of the songs Van and I had written together. Our sound was evolving, and our fans couldn’t get enough.

And tonight, we were back in New Orleans. To perform and enjoy an afterparty to celebrate the upcoming release of a new single—the official launch of “Sideline.”

Van would be performing the song with me and initiated as our unofficial fifth band member.

We also had a couple of birthdays to celebrate. Me and Holls turned thirty in April, with Faise and Ronin turning the same but later in the year.

Not that entering a new decade had changed us much. When we played together, we still reverted to the loud and snarky teens we started out as.

But offstage? Well, let’s just say my rockstar persona had evolved like our music. I was mature now. Most of the time…

And I was good with it. A new decade wasn’t something to be feared but embraced.

Van and I had done a lot of talking about our future and the family we wanted together. It may not happen this year, but it was coming down the line.

I could see it as clearly as I saw him.

“Great set,mon coeur.” Van pulled me into his arms.

“Thanks, honey.”

“I’ve got something for you.”

Van held up a familiar gold ring. It was the one I’d lost the last time we were here.

“You found it? Where?”

“I went downstairs to the dressing room to get changed, and there it was. Sitting on the very same table.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”
