Page 85 of Enchanted Ventures

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I giggle. “Does it show?”

“You’re physically bouncing in your seat. More than Andie when I let her have dessert for dinner.”

He sits and I lean into him. “I’m just finding it hard to believe that I’m getting to do this. It’s like a dream. I can’t wait.”

“I love that I get to be here for your first time.” He lifts my chin. “The first of many. Italy is special. You’re special. Iwant you to have the best experience possible. I need you to do something for me.”

I look into his blue eyes. “Anything.”

“Let me spoil you a little bit this week.”

“You’re already spoiling me by taking me and buying me that dress.”

He gives me those puppy dog eyes of his. “Please. Let me show you everything the right way. The shopping is incredible. Let me buy you a few things.”

“I don’t need anything.”

“The very definition of spoiling is getting things you don’t need. I know you don’tneedthem, but I want togivethem to you, and I just can’t battle with you over it at every turn. What’s the point in having the money I do if I can’t watch the people I care about enjoy it? You can’t be buried with your money. Let me use it. Please.”

“I don’t know, Beckett. I just want you and your time.”

“I know, and I adore you for that. Don’t deprive me of the pleasure of showing you Italy the right way.” He pinches his thumb and index finger close together. “Just a little bit.”

I blow out a breath. “I feel like my definition of a little bit and yours are quite different.”

He smiles as he takes my hand and kisses each of my knuckles slowly. “We can both be flexible, but we agree you won’t battle me every time I want to treat my girl like the princess she is?”

How am I supposed to argue when he’s so damn swoony?

I think of what Dr. Pearl said and respond. “Okay. Only a little bit. A few small things.”

He winks. “Deal.”

I’m confident that will not be thecase.

We arrivefirst thing in the morning, Rome time. His meeting is at noon, so he wants to immediately show me around for a rapid tour. We hit the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, and the Trevi Fountain. At the Trevi Fountain, I learn that if you throw one coin over your shoulder into the water, you’re guaranteed to return to the city. If you throw two, you’re promised that you’ll find love. If you throw three, you’re guaranteed marriage. Naturally, Beckett makes me throw all three, and kisses me while I do it. It may be the most romantic moment of my life. There was even a crowd of women clapping for us, practically drooling over my man.

When we’re finished, he takes my hand. “We need to drop our bags at my friend’s place, and I need to change for my meeting.”

“No problem. I’ll just walk around all afternoon.”

“I’ve already made arrangements for you.”

“What are they?”

He winks. “You’ll see. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“I don’t want to be stuck in shops all day when I’m surrounded by so much history and beauty.”

He pulls me close and softly kisses my lips. “Trust. Me.”

I nod as Nico picks us up and we make our way to his friend’s house. I realize I never asked him about where we’re staying. “What’s your friend’s name?”


“What does he do?”

“He’s a politician. He won’t be there when we arrive, but he’ll be at the party we’re attending tonight. You’ll meet him then.”

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