Page 25 of Enchanted Ventures

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“Like in fairytales?”


Beckett nods. “We have a lot of her paintings in the house. Andie, the beach painting in your bedroom is one of Amanda’s. I know that’s your favorite.”

Andie’s eyes widen. “The one next to my poster of Arizona Abbott?”

“Yes. That’s the one.”

“Wow. I love that painting. It looks so real. Can you show me how to paint like that, Amanda?”

I turn to Beckett, and he shrugs. How did we manage to corner ourselves into this?

I look back at Andie. “Who’s Arizona Abbott?”

Andie stares at me in shock. “Only the greatest, most awesome, most beautiful softball player ever.”

Beckett smiles on with pride. “Andie and I catch a lot of women’s college and professional softball games on television. She loves it. Admittedly, I do too.”

Andie nods enthusiastically. “I wish Philly had a pro women’s team so we could watch Arizona in person.Maybe I could paint her one day. You never answered me, Amanda, will you show me how to paint? Can she, Dad?”

Before either of us can respond, Glinda says, “Of course she can. She’ll be staying here with us all month so I can get to know her properly during my visit.”

Beckett grits, “Mom! Stop it.”

They start bickering but my head is spinning. I’m realizing that I’m not sure I can make ends meet if I don’t sell paintings. I obviously didn’t realize that my success the past few years was solely due to Beckett buying my work, and I won’t take another dime from him. The fact is, I need him to make these introductions. I meant what I said, I don’t want his charity, but I’ll take the opportunity to introduce my work to legitimate art collectors.

I know Glinda is manipulating things, but as long as we have ground rules, staying here won’t be so bad. I’ll meet the collectors, spend some time with Beckett, and I can teach Andie to paint. I used to teach young kids to paint when Jade was younger and we needed the money. I think I’d enjoy doing it again.


When lunch is over, Amanda pulls me aside. “If you introduce me to four legitimate collectors, I’ll do this. One month. I’ll stay here. You can placate your mother and I’ll teach Andie how to paint. She seems to genuinely want to learn.”

I’m shocked. “You’ll stay here? With me? With us?”

“Yes, but nothing physical can go on between us. I told you, my body isn’t for sale.”

I can’t help but look her up and down. It’s a fucking good body.

“Let me get this straight. You’re going to stay here the whole month my mother is visiting, pretending to be my girlfriend, sleeping in my room, hanging with my family? All in exchange fortwointroductions.”

She playfully narrows her eyes at me. “I saidfourintroductions.”

I put my face in hers. “Let’s compromise and do three.”

She nods and holds out her hand. “Deal, Mr. Windsor.” The way she says that makes my dick twitch.

I take her hand, pull her close to me, and whisper in her ear, “I would have agreed to four.”

She giggles and whispers back, “I would have stayed for two.”

We both smile at thePretty-Woman-like movie dialogue.

I need to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m going to be sleeping next to and pretend dating a woman I’m wildly attracted to but am not allowed to touch.

This isn’t going to end well, but I’m in too deep to put a stop to it now.

