Page 13 of Enchanted Ventures

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She waves her hand dismissively. “Honestly,everyone is used to it. You will be soon enough. You’re starting on Monday, right?”

“Yes. I came in to set up a few things so I can be ready next week. I know you, in particular, have been stretched thin.”

“I have. I’m thankful that you’re coming onboard. It’s perfect timing with Reagan and I about to give birth and Dominic on indefinite leave.”

Dominic Mazzello is also a VP at Daulton Holdings. I met with him six months ago when I interviewed here. He and I hit it off immediately. I was looking forward to working with him.

“Do you know why he left?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t know much. It was very sudden. I know he relocated to Cuba for the time being. Some sort of family issue. His girlfriend is heartbroken. She’s inconsolable right now.”

I scrunch my face. “Sorry to hear it. Well, if there’s anything you think we can get out of the way now, I’m all ears. I have some time today.”

Skylar and I sit for about thirty minutes as she updates me on Dominic’s files. It sounds like she’s truly been doing both jobs since he left. I’m happy that I’ll be able to relieve some of the burden for her.

When we’re done, I head back toward Reagan’s office. Sheila looks up at me. “They’ll see you now.”

I walk and see Reagan and Carter sitting on a small couch in her office. He’s rubbing her feet and doesn’t bother to stop when I walk in.

Reagan smiles at me. “Beckett, we weren’t expecting you. I’m thrilled you’re here. Did Skylar update you on things? Sheila said you were in her office.”

I nod. “She did. I should be good to hit the ground running next week.”

“Great. IT is setting everything up for you. You can head down there when you leave here, and they’ll get you your laptop, email address, security pass, and other necessary items.”

Carter adds, “We’ve been working on a sport apparel company out of Italy. I think things are going to come to a head right around the time Reagan gives birth. We want to get you up to speed on it so you can take the reins if we’re not around.”

“Is that Veloce?”

Carter smiles, seemingly impressed that I know. “Yes, it is.”

“I’ve heard they’re growing at a rapid speed over there.” I may no longer be in the game, but I always keep my ear to the ground.

“They are. Too fast. They need help with expansion. Their office is in Rome and busting at the seams. Americans are clamoring for their product, and they need our help.”

“That’s right in my wheelhouse.”

Reagan nods. “I know it is, and I’m so happy to have someone with your experience and expertise here. I’m sorry we’re going to throw you to the wolves, but between our pregnancies and Dominic’s sudden departure, the timing necessitates it.”

“It’s fine. My mother will be in town for my first month here. That will free up things for me with regards to my daughter. I can dig in right away. It’s been a long time for me. I’m genuinely looking forward to getting the wheels in my head spinning again.”

“Great. Jade and Thorunn in the design department will be around to help you with the creative aspect. Veloce has none of that now, and they need it for the US expansion plans. Thorunn has been here forever, and my cousin, Jade, is a bit of a savant. They’re both intimately familiar with the inner workings around here. I think Jade is on vacation in a week or two, but she’ll be available otherwise.”

I met Jade when I interviewed here months ago. I didn’t know it until just after the interview, but she’s the daughter of Amanda Tremaine, the woman I met at Reagan’s birthday party four and a half years ago. The only woman I’ve been attracted to since Jenny passed. Too bad Amanda is married. I haven’t gotten her out of my mind though. I’ve laid awake many nights wondering about her, remembering a special kiss cut short.



Iclink ice cream spoons with Reggie and Victoria. Reggie announces, “To moving on and getting you some vitamin D. Big, hard, orgasm-inducing vitamin D.”

I enthusiastically nod in agreement. “Ooh, that all sounds very nice.”

Victoria shakes her head in disbelief. “That might be the quickest divorce in history.”

I shrug. “When there are no assets to divide, no children to consider, and no real animosity, it can be done in six months.”

My divorce became finalized today. Rick had one or two meltdowns along the way, but it’s otherwise been fairly painless. I’m hopeful that we’re parting as friends. That’s what we’ve been the whole time anyway.
