Page 113 of Enchanted Ventures

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“No, love, I’m not. Thank you.”

“I know what that family did for you, getting you out of your house. It’s my way of thanking them.”

“I love you, Beckett. So much.”

“I love you too. Unfortunately, I have to go into the office today.”

“Ugh. It’s a Sunday.”

“I know. Hopefully just a few hours. Do you mind hanging with Andie?”

“I would love nothing more.”

He gets out of bed and goes to his closet to get dressed.

I yell out, “You aren’t showering?”

He pops his head out with the smile that makes my knees weak. “I want to smell you on me all day, reminding me what I’m missing at home.”

Holy hell that’s hot.

After he leaves, Andie and I spend most of the day painting. In the late afternoon, I hear my text tone.

Beckett: I still have a few more things to get done. You two have dinner without me.

Me: Okay. Miss you.

Beckett: It was a mistake not to shower this morning. Smelling you on me all day has me stuck in my chair with a constant boner. It’s driving me nuts.

I swear I’m dating the sexiest man ever.

Me: Hurry home for a refresher. Maybe I’ll lick it clean for you.

Beckett: I think I just came in my pants.

I giggle at our ongoing joke. He never actually comes in his pants but likes to say he did.

“Andie, I know Daddy only keeps cherry ice cream in the house. What do you say we get lots of flavors and figure out your true favorite. Not his favorite.”

“After dinner?”

“Let’s make it our dinner. Why not?”

Her eyes light up. “Yes! Can I try Rocky Road like Jade?”

“Absolutely. Let me text Lou.”

I text my bodyguard about running to the store. He usually hangs at the front gate. He said he’ll pull the car around in five minutes.

Andie and I walk out front to Lou waiting in the car. Though resistant at first, I realized that Beckett was right about me needing a guard. The press doesn’t just take pictures. They touch you and stand blocking doors everywhere you go. It became unbearable.

I finally relented and allowed Lou to guard me. He’s very sweet and unobtrusive. He’s a burly, ex-military man with dark, short hair. He looks scary, but he’s kind of a pussy cat once you get to know him.

Andie and I slide into the back. Lou nods his head. “Good afternoon, Ms. Tremaine.”


“Sorry. Good afternoon, Amanda.”
