Page 77 of Unexpected Ventures

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The next Mondayafternoon at school is the big holiday assembly. Dominic told me that Gabriela will be attending. I’m a little nervous about it.

I walk in and see Dominic seated. He has empty seats on either side of him.

He stands when he sees me and kisses my cheek. “Hello, princesa.” His eyes move up and down my body. “You look stunning.”

I did wear a particularly stylish suit to work today, knowing I was meeting Gabriela.

We sit and he laces his fingers through mine. He leans over and rubs his nose along my neck. “I love the way you smell.”

An intruding female voice says, “Hello, Dominic.”

We look up and I see a woman who must be a damn model. She looks like Sofía Vergara. She’s gorgeous, with a perfect body, and is dressed right off a fashion week runway.

She sits on the other side of Dominic.

Keeping his fingers laced with mine, he leans over and kisses her cheek. “Gabriela, this Beth. Beth, this is Gabriela.”

She gives me a nod and a fake smile. I’m pretty sure I do the same. “Nice to meet you, Gabriela.”

Fortunately, the lights dim, and the show starts so we can temporarily end this awkward encounter. Dominic places my hand on his giant quad muscle and keeps his hand over it, aimlessly stroking my fingers with his. Gabriela must look over at it ten times per minute. I think back to what Claudia and Lindsay said about him not being affectionate with her.

I also notice her staring longingly at Dominic from time to time. She may still be in love with him. I can’t blame her for that. I imagine a man like Dominic is nearly impossible to get over.

Luke and Valentina’s class perform several holiday songs. It’s adorable. We smile and laugh through it all.

Matteo’s class then takes the stage. I didn’t realize they’d be performing. They’re singingSilent Night. Matteo’s mouth is moving, but I doubt he’s actually singing.

When they get to the final verse, he steps forward on his own. Dominic and I look at each other. There’s no way.

But then he opens his mouth. Matteo not only sings a verse solo, but his voice is angelic. Gabriela has a look of pure shock on her face. Dominic and I both have tears streaming down our faces.

Dominic wraps his arm around me and pulls me close, kissing my head. Gabriela keeps looking at the interaction, but I don’t care right now. Matteo is shining. I’d rather watch that.

When the show is over, all the kids run off the stage to find their parents. I hug Luke. “You were great, baby.”

He smiles. “Did you hear Matteo? His voice is insane.”

“I know. He was wonderful.”

Matteo’s class is being led off the stage by their teachers, understandable for that age group. Dominic immediately grabs him and swings him around. He giggles. “Matteo, you were amazing.”

I fully believe that what happens next is the reason for everything going to hell with Dominic.

When he sets Matteo down, Matteo runs right past Gabriela and jumps into my shocked arms.

I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to disrespect Gabriela, but I certainly won’t reject Matteo.

I squeeze him. “You were amazing, sweetie. You have a beautiful voice. You made your Mommy so proud. Give her a hug too.”

We both look Gabriela’s way. If looks could kill, I’d be dead.



Christmas has come and gone. I was with my extended Knight/Lawrence family and Dominic was with his father and cousins. He had a joint Christmas with Gabriela until it was time for her to head back to Cuba. Being cognizant of how things went at the holiday show, I thought it best to keep my distance while she was around.
