Page 55 of Unexpected Ventures

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She snaps, “They’remykids. Children should be with their mothers.”

“They should be with their fathers too. Feel free to return home to them anytime, and we can go back to our shared custody. The kids live here in Philadelphia. This is their home. Does it matter to you that they’re both flourishing at their new school? Valentina is more challenged. She’s already made a ton of friends. I’ve seen several signs from Matteo of him coming out of his shell. This has been good for him. I was going to wait until you got back to talk to you about it, but I think they should stay at this school when you return. I’ll buy you a house closer to me if you want.”

I can see her steaming. She starts pacing. “I need to think. Maybe we need to go back to the courts on this. I want them with me, not a replacement mother that’s your fuck of the week.”

I grit my teeth and smack the table. “No es así con ella!”That’s not how it is with her!

So much for controlling my temper.

She turns her head as if someone is calling for her. When her eyes meet mine again, she says, “We’re not done with this conversation. Either my lawyer or I will be in touch.”

Without another word, she cuts the feed.

* * *


I’m proud of myself for doing what I did in Dominic’s office earlier this week. It was so out of character, but I feel like I’m changing. I’m taking charge of my life. I’m sick of being passive and not going after what I want in my personal life. I’m sick of settling. I want Dominic, but I meant what I said. I demand respect. I want him, and only him. If he doesn’t want me in the same way, I will have to figure out a way to move on.

It looks like that’s what I’m going to have to do. Until this morning, I didn’t hear from him after my office visit. And he only texted me about the kids, not us. It’s Friday. There’s a bake sale on Monday, and Luke and Valentina were both assigned muffins. They want to bake them together, so we planned to do so tonight at my house since we’re tied up all weekend with baseball games and his kids have soccer.

Nothing was mentioned of us. I guess he’s not interested in me as much as I am him. Or perhaps he can’t handle monogamy. His loss. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself to try to move past the sting of rejection.

The good news is, I learned something about my needs in my short time with Dominic. I will no longer be a bystander in my own love life.

Dominic texted me again late this afternoon, asking if I could grab his kids when I pick up Luke from school today. He said he was hung up on a call and would be over as soon as he could. I happily acquiesced.

I bring all three kids to my house, feed them dinner, and then get everything ready to start baking. Valentina wants to wait for Dominic to make the muffins, but it’s starting to get late, and we need to get them in the oven. She seems understanding. She’s such a good kid.

I give Luke and Valentina measuring and mixing instructions. They’re busy chatting away with each other while doing their respective jobs. It’s cute. At some point, I hear him inviting her to an upcoming baseball game. I suspect Trevor is encouraging him to invite girls to games to watch him play.

I’ve got Matteo on my lap with a spoon, mixing some batter. He’s so adorable, with dark hair and dark brown eyes. They’re a different shade and shape than Dominic and Valentina’s. His ex-wife must have these darker, rounder eyes.

I find myself wondering what she looks like. She’s probably so different from me.

As I’m deep in thought, Matteo accidentally drops his mixing spoon on my lap. A huge blob sits on my pants. He turns around with his head down. He’s got tears pooling in his eyes.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

He points down to the mixture that’s now sitting on my pants. This isn’t my first time baking with kids. I had changed into leggings and a T-shirt, but regardless, it was an accident. Even if I was in my work clothes, I wouldn’t be upset with him. It makes me sad to see him almost scared about it.

“It’s okay. It was an accident.” I scoop up part of it with my finger and slide it into my mouth, bringing my finger back out with a pop. “Yummy. Thanks for dropping it, Matteo. I wouldn’t have gotten to taste it if you didn’t.”

He smiles and it warms my heart.

I grab the last bit on my pants and offer it to him. He moves to take it into his mouth, but at the last minute, I smear it on his cheek instead. I then kiss it off him and he starts giggling uncontrollably. Big, deep belly laughs. I’ve never heard this much come out of his mouth.

I start laughing with him because his laugh is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

All of a sudden, we hear, “Matteo?” We turn to see Dominic walking into the kitchen.

His hand is over his mouth in clear shock. I see tears stinging his eyes.

I turn to Valentina. “Honey, will you help your brother stir? I need to talk to your father for a moment.”

She nods and walks over to us, taking Matteo’s little hand. “Come on, Matteo. Help me and Luke mix the batter in our bowls.” Matteo happily obliges.

I grab Dominic’s hand and walk him out of sight around the corner. “What’s wrong?”
