Page 47 of Unexpected Ventures

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He peppers kisses up my neck as we enter the house, and he gently lays me on the kitchen island. The cold marble feels good on my heated back and raw, sensitive backside.

He bends and brings his mouth to my center, licking all around.

“The taste of your come is so sweet. Voy a disfrutarlo toda la noche.”I’m going to enjoy it all night long.

And just like that, my arousal is ramped up again, as if I didn’t have an earth-shattering orgasm moments ago. As if I wasn’t fucked senseless into the hood of a car.

He stands to his full, powerful height. His monster cock is hanging heavy and pointing at me. Taunting me. Ready to go again.

He undresses for me, never breaking eye contact. The intensity of his gaze is something that will never leave me. I could stare into his eyes all day long. All night long.

He removes his jacket and tie, and then the remnants of his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders.

I take him in. His chest is broad, with the same dark hair that sits on his head. His arms are big, way bigger than I had imagined, and I imagine his body a lot.

He continues undressing until he stands before me completely naked. He’s so thick. Everything on his body is thick. His legs are massive. No wonder he was able to rut into me the way he did. He is the most perfect male specimen ever created.

I run my fingertips down his chest and abs. I look up at him. “You’re a beautiful man.”

“Y tienes un coño bonita que quiero disfrutar de nuevo.”And you have a beautiful pussy that I want to enjoy again.

He takes me hard on the kitchen island. I’ve never had sex that feels like this. It’s perfect. He’s perfect.

We then move to his shower, where he takes me softly against the tile wall. Well, not softly, but softer.

When it’s over, we lay in his bed, both completely out of energy. His arms are around me and my head is on his chest.

“Did I hurt you, princesa?”

I smile into his chest. “I had six orgasms tonight. I would say hurting me is the last thing you did. I may not walk straight for a week, but it was worth the price of admission.”

He lets out a laugh and then sighs as if he’s about to fall asleep.

“Dominic, we can’t fall asleep. I have a sitter. I need to get home.”

Between our second and third times, I had texted Rose that I’d be very late. She said she’d just sleep in our guestroom for the evening. I can’t sleep here though.

I look up and see his eyes flutter. I sit up. “You sleep. I’m going to call an Uber.”

He shakes his head awake and sits up with me. “No. I’ll drive you back to your car.”

I stand to stretch, and he gasps. He gently runs his fingers over my ass, hips, and thighs. He turns me around, checking every inch of my body. “Beth, you have bruises and marks all over your body from me.” He tugs on his hair. “I’m such a monster. What’s wrong with me? This is why I told you we can’t be together.”

I sit down, grab his hands, and look into his eyes. “Dominic, tonight was the best sexual encounter of my life. I’ve never experienced anything remotely like it. Please don’t ruin it for me.”

He gently rubs my face. It’s such a contrast to the way he fucked me all night. “I hate seeing you hurt. You deserve better.”

“You didn’t hurt me. I wear these with pride. I’ll be reminded all week of how amazing tonight was. It was an eye-opening experience for me. You gave me something I never knew I wanted or needed. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.”

He nods, but I can tell I didn’t appease him. I attempt to lighten the mood. “You tore off my panties and dress. All I have is a bra. I can’t walk out of here in just that. I think I might need some clothes.”

He smiles. Damn, he’s handsome.

“I’ll grab you something.”

He unashamedly walks into his closet naked and returns with one of his work shirts for me. I slide into it and can’t help but bury my nose and take in his scent. My eyes flutter.

He lifts my chin. “I like the way you look in my shirt.” I grab the T-shirt he’s now wearing and pull him to me so our lips meet. I want him again. I can’t get enough of him.
