Page 42 of Unexpected Ventures

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I know Dominic has the appointment before me. I wait just outside the classroom door. When his conference is over, he opens the door, looking like sex on a stick in his expensive suit. His eyes find me standing there and immediately widen.Jackpot.

I give a small, unaffected smile. “Dominic. Lovely to see you.”

His eyes unashamedly move up and down my body, taking in my uncharacteristic wardrobe. Those eyes are practically oozing sex right now. I’ve never met a person with a gaze like his. He could melt endless panties with one look, mine included. But I’m playing it cool, at least on the outside. On the inside, I’d like to take him into a classroom and give him a dirty detention.

If he’s going to toy with my emotions, I’ll toy with his right back. I’m not taking his hot and cold crap anymore. I’m taking control of this situation, just as I would if this were a business deal.

He licks his lower lip, not having moved from the doorway.

“Are you going to move so I can get into the classroom?”

He grits his teeth. “No.”

I inwardly smile, knowing I’ve got him right where I want him. I shrug. “Suit yourself.”

I make my way into the classroom, unnecessarily rubbing the front of my body over his along the way. He feels so good, but I’m doing my best to outwardly appear unaffected.

As I pass, he whispers, “I can smell your arousal.”

I look down at his pants and whisper back, “I can see yours.”

I manage to move past him, though I do let my fingertips lightly brush across his body, just above his belt. He’s solid and warm.Just keep moving, Beth. Play it cool.

He lets out a low growl.

Holy shit,this is actually working.

It takes all my willpower to calmly walk into the classroom, but I do it and add a little sway to my hips for added effect.

I make my way into the meeting with the teacher, smile at her, and sit. I turn to the door and, with a coy grin on my face, say, “Dominic, would you be a peach and close the door for us?”

The intensity with which he’s staring at me would make a lesser woman crumble. I’m not her. Not today. His face twitches for a moment, but I simply continue innocently smiling, and he eventually closes the door.

I have my meeting and then walk out feeling quite proud of myself for how I handled Dominic. It was very unlike me, and I loved it. Maybe this will be the new me. Sexy and confident.

I’m not completely paying attention as I exit the schoolhouse, when two large hands grab me and pull me around to the side of the brick building. It’s dark and secluded.

My front is pushed against the cold brick with a big body pressing against me from behind. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. “I can smell you, Dominic.”

He presses his erection to my ass and whispers into my ear, “You think you can mess with me?”

I wiggle my ass over his cock.

He spanks me. Hard. “Te voy a follar el culo si sigues moviéndolo así.”I’m going to fuck your ass if you keep moving it like that.

I immediately respond, “Eres todo hablar y nada de acción.”You’re all talk and no action.

He turns me around until my back is against the wall, looking wide-eyed. He places his palms on the brick wall on either side of my head, effectively trapping me. I take in his breath. It’s minty and manly, with a hint of cigar. I want it mingled with mine. Those big, red lips of his taunt me. I want them all over my body.

His eyes bore into mine. “You learned Spanish?”

I give him a small smile. “I’m a quick study.” I reach down and run my hand up his long, hard length. “For example, I know you want to fuck me. You can pretend like you don’t, but I know you do.” I innocently shrug. “Maybe I’m not quite as nice as you seem to think.”

He licks his lower lip. It’s so sexy and, for some reason, empowers me further.

I whisper, “I can be bad, just like you.” I give his cock a squeeze for emphasis at the end of my words.

I don’t know who I am right now, but I like the reaction I’m getting from him.
