Page 33 of Unexpected Ventures

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Dominic is coming to my office for another meeting today. The other night was confusing. He mentioned being attracted to me but said he’s no good for me. I don’t understand why. I want to find out. There’s a chemistry between us. I feel it when I’m around him. He must feel it too.

An attractive lawyer named Shawn was in my office yesterday. He was charming and asked me to have dinner tonight. I accepted because I had no reason not to, but it was halfhearted. He’s got dark hair and chocolate-brown eyes like Dominic, but it’s just not the same. The undeniable attraction isn’t the same.

It’s hard to explain. When I’m around Dominic, something happens to my body that doesn’t happen around other men. All my senses are on high alert in his presence. I feel my temperature rising. I simply look at him and know I would give anything at that moment to have him kiss me, to feel his body on mine.

My assistant buzzes me that Dominic is here. I look down at myself. I’m in a classy, white pantsuit, and it’s flattering, but not sexy. Damn. I should have worn something different, but I’m not sure I own anything that fits the bill. Somehow Cassandra dresses business sexy every single day. I need to enlist her to help me.

He walks in and I stare openmouthed. The suit company should pay him to wear their clothes. He’s just so handsome.

He gives me a sexy smile, undoubtedly knowing what I’m thinking. He then looks me up and down. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I point toward my sofa. “Have a seat so we can get started.” We could definitely do this sitting across from each other at my desk, but I’d rather sit next to him. I want to be close to him again.

For the next hour, we review strategies for his acquisition. He manages to touch my leg, my arm, and my back. I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not, but it’s driving me crazy. I wonder if he’s like this with everyone or if it’s just me. I want to believe it’s the latter.

I can’t help but shift my body toward his. The pull toward him is magnetic.

He grabs my hand. “Princesa, I feel so drawn to you. I want you to know that I’m holding back for your own good. It’s not easy for me.”

“I don’t understand. If we both feel something, don’t you want to explore it?”

He blows out a long breath. “I’m too much for a normal woman like you to handle.” He rubs his thumb along my knee sending chills to scatter all over my body. Doesn’t he notice how much his touch affects me?

He takes a few long breaths as if carefully contemplating whatever it is he’s about to say. “I’m notnormalboyfriend material. I don’t date or do relationships at all. To be perfectly honest, I like it rough.Veryrough. I need it often.Veryoften. Along with a few other kinks, I’m just not right for someone like you. You’re perfect and sweet. I’m anything but. You’re the kind of girl you take home to your family. I’m the kind of man who should be kept a dirty secret.”

I’m not sure what to say to all of that. I feel insulted, though I don’t think he means it that way. “Did your ex-wife like all of that too?”

He shakes his head. “No, not even close. Not that I ever really wanted anything with her. We had a marriage of convenience, not love. Regular women don’t like what I do. That’s why I can’t get involved with you. I can’t have a normal relationship. I never have.”

“You’veneverbeen in a real relationship?”

He looks pained. “Once, but it was a long time ago and I swore to myself never again.”

He’s been hurt before. I certainly understand the feeling.

“You said you need it often. Who are the women you date?”

“Like I said, I don’t date. I go somewhere that has women who know how to cater to my particular needs. It’s best that way for me.”

I pull away from him. “You have sex with hookers?”

“It’s not exactly what you’re thinking. They’re not hookers. They’re people like me who have particular needs and don’t want anything more than a physical encounter. It’s a place for people like us to be satisfied. There’s no need to get into details, but it’s high-end and clean. I just want you to see that I’m no good for you. We want different things. We have different needs.”

I’m in shock and confused. He doesn’t date. He goes somewhere for sex only. It sounds like hookers to me. Why would he do that? I have no doubt that women would line up to be with Dominic.

Maybe he’s right. I’m in over my head with him.

I’m not sure I have anything left to say at this point. After a few tense moments, he leans over and kisses my cheek. He keeps his face close to mine for an extra few seconds and whispers, “I wish I was different. I wish I was worthy of you, princesa.”

He kisses my cheek again, stands, and leaves.

I sit there in complete and total confusion. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that.

At some point, Cassandra walks into my office. She looks at me still sitting on the couch in obvious shock. “Are you okay?”

I sink my head back into the soft cushion of the couch. “Honestly, I don’t know.”
