Page 17 of Unexpected Ventures

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She nods. “Yes, Ms. O’Connell, they’re waiting for you. You can head right in.”

I walk into an open office door and see a middle-aged woman with salt and pepper hair in a tight bun and glasses, sitting behind the desk. There’s a man with dark hair in an expensive suit sitting with his back to me.

I smile at the woman as I hold out my hand. “You must be Principal Roberts. I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Beth O’Connell.”

As she shakes my hand, the man turns his head toward me wide-eyed. The air is almost knocked out of my lungs.

Dominic Mazzello.

The man who left me over four years ago with my dress around my waist. The man I was never able to erase from my memory. The man who left me barely able to be intimate with other men since that night. The married man who I currently can’t look at without pangs of guilt washing over me for being the other woman in an adulterous relationship.

I was once the married woman who was cheated on. I know how it feels to have a philandering husband. The fact that I was on the other side of it still pains me all these years later. I hope his wife isn’t coming. I couldn’t possibly look at her.

The shock at seeing me is written all over his face. That face. Those eyes.Oh, those eyes.

He mostly looks the same, though now he has a short beard. It suits him. I suppose nothing would look bad on him. He’s still the most perfect-looking man I’ve ever seen.

He breathes, “Beth.”

I force a smile, trying to mask my emotions. “Hello, Dominic. It’s nice to see you.”

We stare at each other for a moment. Likely a moment too long.

Principal Roberts interrupts us. “Oh, I see you two know each other. That’s wonderful. I hope we can keep this civilized.”

The obvious and only place for me to sit is in a chair next to Dominic, so I do. I can smell him. He smells the same. Memories come flooding through my mind. Flashes of his face between my legs, covered in my juices. His tongue. That thick, naughty tongue. Him speaking to me in Spanish. I didn’t know at the time what he was saying, but I knew it was dirty and I’ve needed it to get off ever since.

“Ms. O’Connell? Did you hear me?”

“Sorry, can you repeat that?” My mind was in the gutter.

The principal intertwines her own fingers in front of her on the desk. “As I was saying, it appears that Luke has a bit of a crush on Valentina. Normal stuff, especially for Luke.”

Dominic asks, “What does that mean? Whyespecially for Luke?”

She smiles. “Luke is…well…he’s…”

I interrupt. “Social. He’s very social.”

Principal Roberts nods. “Yes, that’s a good way to put it. Luke is highly social for his age, particularly when it comes to the girls.”

Dominic mumbles, “I knew it.”

She continues, “He has a crush on Valentina, but she’s been spending much of the past week making new friends. She’s already quite popular.”

I notice Dominic smile with pride.

“In particular, she’s been spending time with Scotty Cooper.”

I sigh. Dominic notices and looks at me in question. “Scotty is Reagan and Skylar’s nephew. He and Luke aren’t technically related, but the families are obviously extremely close. I hope it doesn’t cause any issues.”

He nods in understanding, though we’re now staring at each other again. Wow, those eyes…

Principal Roberts clears her throat and we both snap our heads toward her. “Luke told Scotty to stay away from Valentina. Scotty is a laid-back boy, so he simply turned and walked away. Valentina then…”

Dominic interrupts, “What? What did she do?”

“She yelled at Luke. Loudly. They were screaming and arguing until the teachers broke them apart.”
