Page 15 of Unexpected Ventures

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“To good friends and good orgasms.”

I giggle as I clink my glass with Giselle’s at our monthly dinner. Giselle is my best friend and has been since we met on the first day of law school. She’s about my height, with gorgeous, thick auburn hair and green eyes. She was already married at the time and had her daughter, Hazel, between our first and second years of law school.

After graduation, she decided to work at the District Attorney’s office, prosecuting criminals. It’s a noble profession. It may be significantly lower paying than mine, but she works government hours and is home early to be there for her kids.

A few years later, we were both pregnant at the same time, and she had her son, Colton, a month before I had Luke. Unfortunately, we also both went through our divorces at the same time. We leaned on each other for support. Her divorce was a bit more amicable than mine, as no infidelity was involved. They have joint custody. Her ex-husband is very involved in the lives of her children. She’s lucky for that. Her kids arereallylucky for that.

We try to have dinner and drinks at least once a month. I cherish this time with her.

I ask, “Have you been on any dates lately?”

She shakes her head. “Unfortunately, no. I’m sick of the whole scene. Honestly, a glass of wine and my vibrator are much easier, though I miss having a man’s hands on my body.” She sighs. “At least I don’t have to wash my hair or put on makeup for my vibrator. As we get older, the pool of decent men gets smaller and smaller. I don’t want a man who’s never been married because I don’t want any more kids. But then the divorced men all want twenty-two-year-olds with perfect bodies who give them all the anal they can handle. It’s such bullshit. Divorced men have it so much easier.”

I let out a laugh. Giselle is always good for a truth bomb. It’s probably why she and Cassandra get along so well. “Is Tom dating anyone?” Her ex-husband, Tom, is attractive. I imagine he hasn’t had any trouble in the dating department.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. We agreed to let the other know if anything progresses to the point of meeting the kids. That’s it. I’m sure he’s out there riding the twenty-two-year-old anal train like the rest of the divorced men.” She smiles. “Lucky for their asses his dick is small.”

I laugh as I shake my head. “That’s so wrong.”

She smirks. “But so true.”

She sighs. “I’m so hard up for dick right now. I swear, if a man that smelled good walked by this table, I might have an orgasm. If he accidentally brushed up against me, I know I would.”

We both giggle as I nod in agreement. “Dating at thirty-five sucks.”

She scrunches her nose. “No one for you either?”

I shake my head. “No, not for a very long time.”

“Do you even remember that last great non-self-induced orgasm you had? I don’t remember mine. I’m not sure it was this decade.”

I look down and she notices.

“Shit. Sorry, I forgot.”

Giselle is the only person that knows about that night with Dominic Mazzello. I never told anyone else, including my sister. I know he works with Reagan and Skylar. They hire our firm from time to time too. It seemed easier to keep it quiet. Cassandra saw him carry me off the dance floor. She suspects we fooled around, but I’ve never confirmed it or mentioned anything about it to her. As far as she knows, I was dating someone else at the time and nothing happened.

“It’s fine. It’s just embarrassing. Considering my history, being the other woman is something that’s hard for me to move past.”

She takes my hand. “You didn’t know. Stop beating yourself up about it. We both know that intent matters. He’s the one in the wrong, not you.”

I nod. “You’re right. I just find myself thinking of his wife sometimes. Does she know? Does she hate me? Are they still married? Did they end it because of me?”

What I won’t admit to her is that I’ve tried to stalk him on social media to get answers to these questions, but he doesn’t have any accounts. Other than the work website, I can’t find substantive information on him anywhere.

“Stop. You’re not the asshole. He is. We need to talk about something else. Tell me about this new vibrator Cassandra got for you. She said it’s very advanced technology.”

I bite my lip. “I hate to admit it, but she’s right. It does everything.Everything.”

“Interesting. Maybe it’s time for me to give up my old, trusty Magic Wand and try something different.”

“Magic Wands have been around for over fifty years for a reason.”

She bats her eyelashes. “I don’t mean to brag, but I now have the Magic Wand Plus.”

We both laugh.

She raises her eyebrow. “Do you still watch Spanish porn?”
