Page 148 of Unexpected Ventures

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She smiles. “I’d like that.”

“I’m divorced, and I’ve been seeing Beth for a while.”

“I adore Beth. She’s so sweet.”

I nod. “She is. It’s funny, I’ve thought about you some in the past year. I considered reaching out to you. Just to get a little closure. We never really had that.”

“I suppose we didn’t.”

“Sebastian thought I should call you.”

She frowns. I have no idea why. “You’re still friends with him?”

“I am. Kevin too.” I swallow for a moment. I know I’m not getting the full picture. “Can you tell me what happened at the end? I know you were on drugs, but I thought we were in love. Finding you in bed with two men impacted me on a deep level. I’d like to try to understand it. I’ve always just assumed you didn’t love me the same way I loved you.”

“I did love you, Dominic.” She bites her lip. “I’m not sure I should tell you.”

“It’s been twenty-five years. I’d like to know and then move on. Please. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”

She lets out a deep breath. “After your arrest and team suspension, Sebastian came to me. He told me I was pulling you down. That I was ruining your shot at making it to the big leagues. He said you were madly in love with me, and that if I loved you, I should do something drastic to change your mind and set you free.” She momentarily looks down, as if the memory pains her as much as it pains me. “I staged the whole thing. Being in bed with those guys. I knew you were coming over to tell me about the suspension being lifted. I made it look like I was being intimate with them, so you’d break up with me. I never expected the fight, and I certainly never expected you to get injured.” Her voice cracks. “I’m…I’m so sorry, Dominic.”

All these years I thought something was wrong with me to make her seek comfort in two other men. I’m seething right now, but it’s not at Mandy, it’s at Sebastian for putting her in that position.

I reach over and take her hand in mine. “I don’t think you have anything to apologize for, but to the extent it helps you, I forgive you.”

She whispers, “Thank you. Itdoeshelp.”

“Did you ever get married? Do you have other children?” I’ve never heard Jade mention siblings, but I rarely get into personal life discussions with her.

“Unfortunately, I never had any more kids. I wish I had, but the right opportunity never came along. Jade was my sole focus for a very long time. I was briefly married a few years ago, but it wasn’t right. I’m dating someone now. We’reverydifferent, but I like him and I’m seeing where it goes.”

I smile. “He’s a lucky man.” I stand. “Speaking of lucky men, I need to go find Beth. I was a little shocked to see you and didn’t consider how it would impact her.”

She stands. “Well, it was good to see you. You look great.”

“And you haven’t aged a day.”

She smiles. “Still a sweet talker.”

We walk back out to the pool area and Jade immediately comes to Mandy and wraps her arms around her. “Are you okay, Mom?”

Mandy leans into her. “Yes, baby, I’m fine.”

Jade winks at me. “Did we settle my paternity? I’ve always wanted to call you daddy, Dom.”

I smile and shake my head at Jade’s antics. I look at Mandy, who’s trying to hold back her laughter. “I can only imagine what a handful she was as a kid.”

Mandy giggles. “You have no idea.”

I look around but don’t see Beth. Luke is still in the pool, but no Beth.

I turn to Cassandra. “Where is she?”

“She freaked out. She was upset, thinking that you were going back to Amanda and that she’s your true love.”

“What? Is she crazy? I love her.”

“That’s what I told her, but she wouldn’t listen.”
