Page 130 of Unexpected Ventures

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Shit, now I can’t be mad at Trevor. He’s legitimately the only man Luke has ever been able to rely on. He’s the only manI’veever been able to rely on.



Valentina’s class has an overnight campout in the woods this weekend. It’s up in the Pocono Mountains on a lake. They’re doing a few land activities and a few water activities. She’s been excitedly talking about it since we got back from Cuba. Matteo is home with Gabriela.

I’m looking forward to seeing both Beth and Luke. I haven’t seen Luke since I’ve been back. I have a special gift for him, but I didn’t bring it for fear of ruining it. I want to tell him about it though.

There’s a caravan of drivers. Beth thought it best for us not to go together, so she’s with Tom and Colton. I’m riding with Scotty and Brody.

Brody is super laid-back, and we have an easy conversation on the way up. I learn that he grew up in California. He came to Philly to run the neurosurgery department at Pennsylvania Hospital. He taught a few medical school classes and that’s where he met Harley when she was a student. He didn’t go into details, but it sounds like it was a little scandalous at the time. Harley’s now a heart surgeon at the same hospital.

He smiles. “How is it working with Reagan and Skylar? They must be a handful.”

I let out a laugh. “Skylar is easy. A little stubborn at times, but otherwise she’s easy to work with. Reagan is a ball of fire though.”

“Believe it or not, she’s tamer now than before she met Carter. She was even crazier then.”

“It’s hard to imagine.”

“It’s true.” He sighs. “But they have a great family. They’re very close. The three girls share everything.Everything.”

“Yes, apparently sisters do that.”

“You mean Cassandra?”

I nod. “I didn’t realize people knew about Beth and I.”

“Cassandra is as much in the fold as Darian and the girls. There are zero limits to what they discuss. Poor Beth reluctantly gets sucked in at times. Just wait until you attend a big family meal. They get out of control.”

I hope we get to the point where Beth invites me to a family meal. What Cassandra said has my head spinning. I feel like I’ve shown her I’m committed. Why aren’t we spending time together as families? It’s time.

I look at him. “Don’t mention it while we’re here. She’s not ready for the kids or anyone to know about us yet, and I’m trying to respect her wishes.”

“No problem. I understand more than most. Harley insisted on keeping our relationship a secret for a very long time. She thought it would hurt her career if people knew we were together. I hated loving her in secret, but they’re smarter than us and know what they’re doing. We have to respect their wishes.”

Maybe he’s right. I just despise how much it limits my time with her.

We arrive at the campground. It’s quite beautiful, overlooking the lake.

I see Beth and Luke setting up their tent with the only other mother and son duo. I want to go to her but know she wouldn’t want that. How am I going to keep my hands off her all night?

Luke looks up and notices me. A smile breaks out on his face, and he starts running over for a hug. He squeezes me tight. “I was hoping you were coming.”

We pull away and I look at him. “I missed you. You’ve gotten so big. You look like a man now.” I whisper into his ear. “I have a special present for you. I’ll give it to you the next time I see you.”

He has a huge grin on his face. Beth watches our interaction and smiles. I swear my heart skips a beat. She’s in jeans, an oversized sweatshirt, and no makeup, with her hair in a ponytail. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.

Brody mumbles, “If you look at her like that, everyone will know.”

I nod as I turn my head away. I can’t help myself.

Valentina notices Beth and sprints into her arms. Beth peppers her face with kisses, and Valentina giggles. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but they’re both grinning from ear to ear. I love the affection they have for each other.

Luke pulls my hand toward Beth and Valentina. “Come see my mom. I know she missed you. She was really sad when you left.”

“I missed her too.” He thinks it’s been over a year when it’s only been four days, but it feels like a year.
