Page 13 of Unexpected Ventures

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I bet he is.

Valentina looks back. Her eyes move to Ms. Longfellow’s hand on my arm. “Papa, you can leave now. I know you have a breakfast date with yourgirlfriend.”

I bite my lip to hide my smile. I don’t have a date, and I don’t have a girlfriend. She doesn’t like her teacher’s hand on me. Unfortunately, she’s seen this type of behavior too many times. Having a woman hit on me in front of my kids is a nonstarter.

I smile. “Yes, I must get going. Valentina will be fine. My son, Matteo, is in the daycare. He may need to see Valentina at some point today if he becomes upset. She soothes him.”

Ms. Longfellow nods. “Yes, I’ve been told. Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Thank you.”

I leave and make my way to the office. I have a morning meeting with Reagan Lawrence, the CEO of our company, and her husband, Carter Daulton, the President of our company.

When I arrive, I drop my computer bag in my office and walk down the hallway toward Reagan’s office.

As I walk by her sister Skylar’s office, I see the door is open and decide to pop my head in. Jade is sitting with her. Jade is Reagan and Skylar’s cousin. She’s only twenty-two but is second in command of our design department. She started here as an intern four years ago, but quickly and impressively proved herself to be a valuable commodity. If you can imagine it, Jade can make it come to life in virtual modeling. She’s very good at her job, though highly inappropriate. Sexual innuendo is her second language. Sometimes it’s funny, and sometimes it makes me uncomfortable being that I’m over twenty years older than her.

“Good morning, ladies.” I smile at them both.

Skylar lifts her head toward me and smiles in return. “Good morning, Dom. I left a file on your desk this morning. It’s a bid I have coming up. Would you mind taking a quick look? I’d like your input.”

“It would be my pleasure.” I like that Skylar feels comfortable asking for my help from time to time. Even though I always offered it, she never used to. I think she was more insecure about her job when she first started. Now that she’s flourished in her role, we’re better able to bounce ideas off each other.

“Thank you. No rush.”

Jade runs her eyes up and down my body, as she often does. “I like your suit, Dom. It hugs your body nicely.” She gives me her unique smile that spells trouble.

“Thank you. I need to chat with Reagan first, but will you stop by my office later? I may have something I need you to work on.”

“I wouldloveto.”

“Great.” I motion my head out the door. “I have a meeting with her now. I’ll catch you two later.”

I make my way to Reagan’s office area and approach her longtime assistant. “Good morning, Sheila.”

She looks up from her computer with her always fashionable, outfit-matching glasses. “Good morning, Dominic. How are you today?”

“I’m great, thank you. I have a meeting with her.”

“She’s expecting you. Go ahead.”

I hesitate for a moment. “Is it safe to go in?”

Sheila shrugs. “You never know with the two of them, but I haven’t heard any noises suggesting otherwise.”

It’s common knowledge and mostly accepted at this point that Reagan and Carter are often intimate in one of their offices. It’s nearly a daily occurrence. I certainly don’t care, but I also have no need to see it.

I knock loudly and hear her shout, “Come in.”

I walk into the office. Fortunately, they’re clothed. They’re sitting on the couch in the small sitting area she maintains. Her bare feet are on his lap and he’s rubbing them as they talk. He doesn’t stop when I walk in. He’s madly in love with her and is never afraid to show it.

She turns her head and smiles at me. “Hey, Dom. Have a seat.”

I do.

“How did things go with your kids?” I never talk about my family in the office, having my reasons. I imagine most people know nothing about my personal life. Due to my altering family situation, I did have to talk to Reagan and Carter last week. I’m not going to be able to work long nights for the foreseeable future, and I wanted to give them the heads up. As I expected, given the type of people they are, they were more than accommodating. Reagan may be young at only thirty-two, but she’s a good boss. She values quality over quantity. My work needs to get done. She doesn’t care how or where. She knows my work product well enough at this point that she can be certain things will get handled properly.

I started here well before Reagan’s time, when Carter’s father was the CEO. He was a miserable prick of a human being. I was in the process of interviewing at other companies when Carter effectively had his father tossed out by the Board. Carter was next in line for the job, being both the president of the company and the next generation of Daulton men, but he recommended Reagan to the Board instead. I have a lot of respect for him for that.
