Page 105 of Unexpected Ventures

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“I understand. I’m back for good though. I promise. It’s gone well with him?”

“It has.”

“How’s everyone else? How’s Jade?”

She smiles. “She’s out on maternity leave. She should be back in another week or two.”

“Jade has a baby? She’s a mother?”

The three of them laugh. Reagan stands. “We’ll save that crazy story for another day. You and Beckett figure out the office situations. He and Skylar will get you updated on all the current projects.”

“That’s it? I’m back?”

She looks surprised. “I told you your job was safe, Dom. I’m a woman of my word. And our company is better with you in it. All three of us wholeheartedly believe that.” She looks around to Carter and Skylar and they smile in agreement.

I spent the rest of the day having everyone bring me back up to speed on things. Beckett insisted I take my office back. He wouldn’t consider anything else. He’s a good guy.

* * *

When I spokewith Cassandra the other day, she said she’d investigate a few things and get back to me. She just texted me that Luke has a sleepover tonight and she’s pretty sure that means Beth will be at Hush Hush.

We have dinner with my father. It’s nice to be back with him. He visited a few times, but it’s not the same as having him around all the time. He’s my best friend. My most trusted confidant.

After the kids go to bed, he offers to stick around to give me time to go out. I didn’t give him details. I simply told him that I was doing what was necessary to get my girl back. He didn’t ask any questions. He wished me luck.

I walk into Hush Hush wearing dark jeans and a jacket with no tie. I look around and don’t see her at first. It’s dimly lit in here, giving almost a jazz club type vibe, but I’d know the shape of her body if I saw her standing in the crowd, and I don’t see her. Maybe she didn’t come. I’ll wait around for a bit to see if she shows up. Cassandra was confident she would.

I head to the bar and order a bourbon on the rocks. I look around and see a few familiar faces from my time here, but it’s been a while, and most are unfamiliar now.

When I accept my drink, I lean on the bar scanning the room when a blue dress catches my eye. A familiar blue dress. I turn and see Beth wearing the same dress as the night we met. I catch her profile as she turns to him. She’s so damn beautiful.

She’s sitting on a couch talking to a Latino man. They both have drinks. Their backs are to me, but I see him leaning her way, about to make his move.

I do my best to remain calm. That’s until I see him touch her. Then I see red.

I quietly walk over. His hand is on her exposed thigh and working its way up higher. I reach from behind them and grab his wrist. “Quite sus manos de mi propiedad.”Get your hands off my property.

Beth turns to me, and her blue eyes widen. “Dominic? What are you doing here? How did you…” Her eyes narrow. “Oh, I know what you’re doing here. It’s what you’ve always done here. I guess old habits die hard.”

“I’m here for you. We need to talk. Let’s go. We’re leaving. You don’t belong here.”

The man snarls at me. “Fuck off, man. She’s with me.”

I get up in his face. “This woman is mine. She belongs tome, not you. You have no chance of being with her tonight or any night. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll walk away.”

Beth touches his hand. “Marco, give us a few minutes. I’ll come find you when we’re done so we can pick up where we left off.”

The asshole nods and then stands and leaves. When he’s out of earshot, she looks up at me. “What do you want? I told you to leave me alone.”

“I want you to hear me out. I want you back in my arms. Back in my life.”

Her eyes fill with tears. For the briefest of moments, her new hard exterior is softened and she’s vulnerable. Her shoulders slump. “Why are you doing this to me? Haven’t you hurt me enough? Just let me live my life.”

“From what I hear, you haven’t been doing that.”

She mumbles, “Cassandra.”

“She loves you and is worried about you. So am I.”
