Page 38 of Breaking Point

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So did Jaden.

Zayde blinked several hundred times as Panahasi returned to his human form. He threw his hand out, and the demon warriors walked through the vortex.

Panahasi headed toward Zayde and the others. “He isn’t a problem anymore. Enjoy your honeymoon, Zayde.”

And with that, Panahasi walked through the vortex, the swirling hole closing behind him.

“You calling me here and getting injured was well worth seeing what I just saw,” Gage said. “Now you’re at the top of my best friend list, Zayde.”

Gage and Roman vanished.

Zayde head spun with how quickly everyone just disappeared. Too bad he didn’t have that ability.

“There’s something I have to tell you about the guy who healed Gage,” Zayde said.

Tell my secret about being the Primal Source and I really will blink you from existence.

“That was very noble of him,” Zayde quickly said to Denali.

He heard a soft laugh in his mind, and then the voice in his head was gone.

Denali hugged Zayde, and that was when Zayde remembered. “You’re naked. You were naked in front of everyone, showing off what belongs only to me.”

Denali chuckled. “Out of everything that just happened, your takeaway is that I’m naked?”

Zayde groaned when Denali kissed him, and then he smiled, feeling safe and loved in Denali’s arms. This was what life was about. He had never expected that finding his partner—his mate—would involve discovering a whole new world—a very scary world—but it was a price he was more than willing to pay. After all, he had finally found peace.

And their freaking nightmare was over.

* * * *

Denali stood behind Zayde, his arms wrapped around his mate, his chin resting on Zayde’s head as they tried to decide what they wanted.

“What did you just bake?” Zayde asked Ajax. “It smells delicious.”

“Blueberry pie,” Ajax said. “Do you want a slice?”

“Yeah,” Zayde said eagerly. “And another one of those iced caramel brulé thingies.”

Ajax chuckled. “One iced caramel brulé thingy coming right up.”

“We’ll have our food and drinks on the patio,” Denali said to Ajax before he took his mate’s hand and led him outside.

It was a perfect evening. The humidity had calmed down, and the stars twinkled in the night sky like diamonds.

They sat at the very same table as they had on their first date. Denali couldn’t believe everything they’d been through since. It was a miracle Zayde was still with him.

“You know, when I think back to all that has happened, I’m so happy that I found you,” Denali murmured against Zayde’s ear. “You’ve been my rock through it all. I love you.”

Zayde turned around to face him and smiled. “And you’ve been mine.” He leaned forward and kissed Denali softly. “I love you, too.”

Moments later Marissa and Casey arrived. Now Denali knew who the guy was because he recalled Casey working on a few patrol cars. He just hadn’t known the guy’s name.

“You made it!” Zayde got up and hugged Marissa, and then she introduced Casey to everyone.

After the introductions, they all settled in and enjoyed their food and drinks. Now this was what life was all about. Denali took Zayde’s hand, grateful that he’d found his mate. The bond they shared could never be broken, a love that would last a lifetime.

After they finished their desserts and said goodbye to Marissa and Casey, Denali and Zayde walked back to their car, hand in hand. The stars above them shone brighter than ever before, as if signaling a new chapter in their lives. A chapter filled with love, family, and a future full of endless possibilities.

