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The bride-to-be rushed off, leaving her alone. Karlee wandered around the main floor, admiring the architecture and artwork. Mr. Black had more money than he knew what to do with, while she was barely making ends meet. Of course, she’d gladly trade places with Elizabeth, so she couldn’t gripe too much.

She slipped off her broken heels and padded up the winding staircase barefoot. The polished wood banister felt cool in her too-warm palm. Why were her nerves shot? An uneasy anticipation made her entire body feel hotwired. She wanted to avoid Mr. Black as much as she craved to meet up with him again. No, for the sake of her contract and her very soul, she had to keep her distance from that dark-haired temptation.

Karlee prided herself on hard work and old-fashioned values. She wasn’t impressed with this new side of herself peeking through, and she wouldn’t allow Elizabeth’s fiancé to sweet talk her into anything inappropriate—even if it meant losing the job and walking back to the city.

She made it to the top of the fairy-talesque staircase. A massive crystal chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling, and a long Oriental runner covered part of the hardwood in the hallway. Karlee saw the table in question. It looked like a priceless antique, the dark mahogany bringing out the richness of the grain. Upon reaching it, she caught her reflection in the oversized mirror above the table. Damn, she looked like shit. Her eyeliner was even running. She leaned closer to the mirror and attempted to make herself halfway decent, using a finger to remove the excess makeup. That’s when she felt his presence.

“Don’t worry, you look beautiful. Just how I remembered you.”

Karlee whirled around. Now he’d addedliarto his list of offenses. “I seriously doubt that.”

He had this sexy little smirk that melted her from the inside out. “I didn’t expect to find you up here.By yourself.”

“I-I was looking for a list of flowers.” She pawed behind her, feeling for anything paperlike. “Your fiancée told me it was okay to come upstairs.”

He frowned. “My fiancée? And who would that be, Ms. Jones?”

Enough was enough. “Your fiancée—Elizabeth. Have you forgotten about her already? That’s hardly fair to her now, is it?”

He touched her shoulder, running his hand down her arm so she was forced to stop fiddling with the table behind her. Once her arms were at her sides, he tilted her chin up so she’d meet him eye for eye.

“Elizabeth is my little sister. I offered the use of my home for my niece’s wedding.”

Chapter Three

Sister? Sister!

If Robert Black wasn’t getting married and had no ring on his finger, that meant he’d been flirting with her. And she’d been pushing him away! There was nothing keeping them apart now, nothing immoral or scandalous. Her body seemed to put two and two together before her, a rush of heat and desire making her entire body flush.

“Oh, I see…”

He chuckled. “Did you really think I’d disrespect my future wife? I promise there isn’t a man more loyal than I am. Family means everything to me.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

He braced a hand on the hall table at either side of her body, pinning her only inches from his hard chest. “It’s okay, little one. I won’t bite.” He tilted his head slightly. “Is that why you’ve been resisting me? I wonder how you feel about us now.”

She couldn’t slow her breathing no matter how hard she concentrated. Her chest was heaving, her pulse racing. He smelled so damn good. Being trapped felt uniquely titillating. If Robert was an animal, he’d be able to scent her arousal. It grew more intense by the moment, like an active volcano building pressure before a violent eruption.

“You’re wet, aren’t you?”

How did he know? His voice was barely above a whisper—deep and menacing. The heat of his breath tickled the fine hairs along her neck. With her hectic schedule at the flower shop, she had no time to consider relationships. Robert Black reminded her she had needs. Major needs.

“What are you talking about?” she stammered, not wanting to throw away all professionalism. Yet.

“I know you’re young, Karlee, but you’re still a woman. I can’t be the only one feeling the pull between us.” His hand was on the swell of her hip now. He had a firm touch, and those strong fingers were only inches from her pressure center. She didn’t even know this man, yet her body demanded she submit to his will. He made her feel safe—whether it was his age, his wealth, or simply the way he could control her with a single word—she wasn’t sure and didn’t care.

“What do you want?”

“I told you, I always get what I want. And right now that’s you.”

Her breath hitched. She’d hate herself in the morning, but she couldn’t refuse him now that she knew he wasn’t taken. There was nothing she wanted more than to have this dark, muscled god claim her, to fuck her hard enough to leave her pleasantly sore the next day. She could tell he wouldn’t disappoint her. Everything he did was a success, and judging by the hard length pressed against her stomach, he’d get a high score in the bedroom.

“You wantme?” She sounded more insecure than she felt.

The sound of numerous muffled voices echoed up the stairs from the foyer below. He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I want to fuck you, Karlee.”

She gasped, liquid heat slipping down her inner thigh. What had she gotten herself into? She needed Stella’s advice on her cell phone STAT. Was she acting like a slut? Should she tell him to keep his hands to himself? He was loaded with money and probably hit on half his staff. The idea of being another number sickened her, yet the thought of being naked with him in bed was too tempting to ignore.

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