Page 169 of War and his Queen

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To keep the curse a secret, somehow, someone worked in the rule of silence to stop the Kings from talking about it with each other. I’m sure it’s why there was always one King who was worse than the rest of them. They were none the wiser, except for the one it touched, who was sworn to silence under the false guise of a clause that didn’t exist with the EKC. This was a spiteful, but intelligent woman—he no doubt did awful things to her for her to go this far. She knew to use the herb, the one thing that cannot be supplemented during a ritual to become a King to lace her magic with.

I’ll continue working on the rest of the translations. It’s hard because of the language that is used. It’s not only a dead language, but it seems it had never been spoken outside of their coven. Keep an eye on one another. Take care of each other. Watch for the signs. This is a cruel taking of evil. One myself and the mothers personally fought for you all to not partake in, but we had run out of time. You’re all Kings. You’re strong. Resilient. We will get through it when it happens together. If you come across any more Recipes from the Damned, don’t hesitate to bring them straight to me. Love, Saint

The pounding of my heart doesn’t let up, and I fight with myself to not reread over her text. Recipes from the Damned? That’s what they’re called? Why the hell did I get one sent to me?

Before I can analyze my own King to look for warning signs that he’s the unholy marked one, Priest’s silence is finally broken.

He’s ignored her the whole time that she’s been back, but something tells me he’s about to break. Probably the snarl on his mouth.

His jaw tenses. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Jesus. What the fuck happened between them all those years ago?
