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Apparently,the residents of Oakley Island need very little reason to have a party. Genevieve’s Bed and Breakfast is finally opening? Let’s have a party! Jake’s nephew Liam got a ninety-five on his spelling test? Definitely have a party!

Sadie Markham escaped being kidnapped and killed by a hired hitman? Party time!

I appreciate the sentiment. I really do. But a part of me just wants to hide out on Ben’s boat, wrapped securely in his arms, and sleep until next week. Maybe next month.

Harriet pushes through the door of Ned’s bar with an enormous tray of sandwiches and I hurry to meet her, lifting the tray out of her arms and carrying it to the tables that have been pushed together. Merritt sees me coming and shifts platters around to make room.

There’s already an impressive spread of food—casserole dishes covered in foil, chips and dips, heaping bowls of potato salad and other sides. It’s been humbling to see so many people—some I barely know—filing through the door, giving me warmsmiles of support as they drop off the food and settle into the booths and tables and stools at the bar.

I shouldn’t be surprised. This is Oakley, after all. But I get the sense that all this love really has to do with how much everyone loves Ben. He belongs to these people, which I guess means I belong too. The thought warms me.

“Where’s that man of yours?” Harriett asks as she unloads a selection of condiments from the bag hanging over her shoulder.

That man of mine.I smile at her words. Because she’s right.

Not-so-playboy billionaire, Benedict King, might belong to Oakley. But he also belongs tome.

“He’ll be here soon,” I say. “He had a few things to take care of this afternoon.”

A few things… which he refused to discuss with me even a little bit. When I pushed, he kissed me on the nose and told me he’d see me soon.

“What about Eloise?” Harriett says. She pulls out a six-pack of ginger ale and sets it on the bar. “These are for her. Picked them up from some fancy grocery store over in Savannah. The lady told me they’re twice as strong and might help her feel better.”

Eloise is dealing with nausea? She didn’t seem sick when we were together at Merritt’s the other night. She was snacking on saltines the entire time and …


My baby sister is pregnant.

Ormaybeshe’s pregnant?

If she is, I have no idea how she managed to keep it a secret. We talked almost all night at Merritt’s. How did she not scream it out?

But then, we really only talked aboutme.Knowing Eloise, she didn’t want to diminish the gravity of my situation by bringing up her very happy news.

“Eloise is in the back with Ned and Jake,” I say.

Harriett nods and picks up the ginger ale. “I’ll just take this back to her.”

“You’re good to us, Harriett,” I say, and she smiles, pulling her long white braid over her shoulder.

“Sugar, the three of you make it easy.”

The minute she disappears through the swinging door that leads back into the kitchen, I practically run to Merritt, who has moved to the opposite end of the bar where she’s opening and stacking up the paper plates and utensils.

“Merritt!” I whisper yell. “Harriett just brought special ginger ale for Eloise. To help with hernausea.”

Merritt looks up, dropping a handful of plastic forks that clatter all over the bar top. “What?”

“And she was chowing down on saltines when we were at your house the other night.” I lean forward. “Is our little sister pregnant?”

Merritt presses her lips together, and I might be crazy, but it looks like there are tears collecting in her eyes. I have no idea what Hunter did to soften up Merritt and all her prickly edges, but he has my unending gratitude. It’s sweet to see her like this.

It also gives me endless fodder to tease her later.

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