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“He definitely said she left without saying a word,” Jake says.

“Maybe he’s a mind-reader?” Hunter says.

“Must be. That sure must be a good skill to have. You’d think he would have better luck with women, knowing exactly what they’re thinking at all times,” Jake says.

“You guys are really funny. Regular comedians. Or are you trying to pretend you’re both experts on love?”

“I’m only an expert on recognizing a prime example of male pride and stupidity,” Hunter says. “Especially after living it out myself first. Did you know I almost lost Mer because I was so busy trying to placate my ex and keep the peace for Izzy’s sake? I was living in the past, too afraid to move on to the future.” He pauses. “Are you sure you’re not doing the same?”

I’m honestly not sure of anything. Well, anything more than the fact that it feels like someone dug into my chest with a garden trowel, leaving me aching and hollowed out.

I fix my gaze on the floor. “I don’t know.”

“I may not be apprised of the specifics, and I know Eloise and Sadie are very different people. But if you’re at all interested in a future with her, don’t let her go now,” Jake says. “Find her before she leaves Oakley. Lay it on the lineagain. Clearly. And if you didn’t tell her you love her?—”

“Who said anything about love?”

The idea has my heart thrashing around in my chest so loud I can hear the blood rushing in my ears. Jake smiles, while Hunter gives a low chuckle.

“Oh, he’s got it bad,” Hunter says.

Jake clucks his tongue. “Still in a state of denial. That’s unfortunate. I think Eloise said Sadie planned to head back to Atlanta later today?—”

I’m on my feet before I’ve even finished processing. The dogs, catching my excitement, react instantly, Sunbeam runs in circles while Lilith gives three deep woofs, then trots toward the door, glancing back at me as if to say,Hurry up, idiot.

“Is she still at your house?” I ask Hunter.

He shrugs. “Can’t say. Guess you’ll have to go looking.”

“Y’all are both some help,” I grumble, striding toward the door with a renewed sense of purpose.

Jake and Hunter follow, the dogs running circles around our heels. On deck, I find John, Leandra, Tao, and Danny, looking as though they were waiting for me to emerge. As though they fully expected this. Maybe everyone in my life knows me better than I know myself.

I roll my eyes. “You too? Is this whole island trying to help me pull my head out of my ass?”

“I think Frank even made a series of TikToks, waxing on about shipping you and Sadie,” Jake says.

“You’re watching TikTok now?” I ask. “What kind of lawyer are you?”

He smirks. “The kind who likes to keep up with the everyday events of his clients by way of Frank’s posts.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself,” I say.

Leandra beams and holds out my shoes—the worn boat shoes Sadie has made fun of on more than one occasion. “I’m proud of you,” she whispers, kissing me on the cheek.

As I move to walk past Danny, he hands me a clean shirt. “I’m not saying you need this but …”

“Oh, he definitely needs it,” Jake says.

“You really should pay your crew more,” Hunter says.

“We might make more than you, big man,” Tao says with a laugh, and Hunter feigns thoughtfulness.

“Let me know if you ever need a handyman on your yacht.”

“Boat,” I correct. “And no, I don’t.”

Though I really think I smellfine, this is like the third reference to my hygiene. Might as well not risk it. I pull off my shirt and exchange it for the one Danny gave me. It can’t hurt tonotsmell like I haven’t showered since the day before yesterday. Although this one stinks like he hosed it down with cheap cologne. I sneeze.

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