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And Ben walks through the swinging door just in time to feel the full effects of Tao’s very damp attack.



It takesa minute for me to process the scene in front of me. At first, because I literally cannotseethrough the water streaming down my face. Then, because I can’t make sense of what Idosee.

An overturned stool. Towels and a cookie sheet on the floor next to … wait—Danny? Sadie stands next to Leandra, near the opposite door, her hands pressed to her mouth like she’s trying to stifle her laughter.

And then there’s Tao, eyes wide, the spray nozzle from the sink still in his hand.

Leandra moves first, crouching down to pick up one of the discarded dish towels. She slowly hands it to me while Danny pushes himself up to his feet. It’s not lost on me that the entire room is holding its collective breath, clearly waiting to see how I’m going to react.

I take the towel and wipe off my face, then toss it onto the counter. “Next time, y’all better not play poker without me.”

Danny chuckles. “You didn’t miss much. Just Leandra taking most of our money. Even Sadie got schooled, though she held her own.”

My eyes settle on Sadie, really taking her in. I endured a brief moment of panic when I woke up and she wasn’t beside me. The feeling only worsened when I didn’t find her in her own room either. I’m not saying I jogged through the ship in a mild panic to find her. I also wouldn’t deny it.

I’m relieved to see her. Especially because she looks good.Better.The sparkle is back in her eyes, and she looks more like herself in leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, though I can’t say I don’t have a moment of missing her wearing my clothes.

“Also, food,” Sadie says. “You missed really good food.”

“You ate,” I say, not even trying to hide how happy this makes me. “I’m glad you feel good enough to eat.”

Sadie nods, a flush spreading across her cheeks. “Yeah. I…” Her eyes dart around the room, like she’s suddenly aware of our audience and doesn’t want to say more.

Leandra must pick up on the vibe because she motions to John. “We’re done here, right? I think it’s time for us to say goodnight.”

“Sounds good to me,” John says. He claps Danny on the back, bodily ushering him toward the door.

“I just need to clean up,” Tao says, but I stop him with a shake of my head.

“I’ll do the dishes. It’s late. You can head to bed too.”

His eyebrows go up. “If you’re sure,” he says. When I nod, his lips twitch. “Do you know how to wash dishes?”

“Shut up.”

He laughs, then strips off his apron and follows behind the others, murmuring a quiet goodnight to Sadie on his way.

“You’re doing the dishes?” Sadie says as soon as we’re alone. “With those soft, billionaire hands?”

I snort, moving to the sink. “Let me guess. You’re also surprised I know how?”

She rolls her eyes. “We’re on a yacht worth a gazillion dollars. I’m not surprised you know how. But I’m a little surprised you’re choosing to do them.”

“Not quite a gazillion,” I say as I carry the plates on the counter over to the sink and turn on the hot water. “But I understand your point.”

To my surprise, Sadie moves in beside me, dish towel in hand. I was planning on just loading these into the dishwasher, but if Sadie’s willing to help, I’d rather this process take as long as possible, so I’m happy to wash them by hand. Slowly. Very, very thoroughly. The best, most meticulous dishwashing of my life.

I pick up a scrub brush and start with the first plate. “It was actually your grandmother who taught me how to wash dishes,” I finally say.

I hand the plate to Sadie, and she holds it for a second, frozen before she seems to remember why she’s holding it and starts to dry it off. In that brief moment, I glimpse a rare vulnerability in her face, like she’s not only dropped her guard but lost it altogether.

“Really?” she asks softly. “Gran? When?”

“You know she sort of took Jake under her wing after his mom left,” I say, and Sadie nods. “I was Jake’s best friend, which meant I got to be around her by default. Not nearly as much as Jake, but she always had a few words of wisdom for me.” I chuckle. “Well, wisdom or rebuke.”

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