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“That, I already knew.” I take a long swig of my beer. “But there’s something going on with Sadie. Something that made her different tonight.”

“You sure it wasn’t justyouwho was making her different?”

I shake my head, struggling to articulate what I’m trying to say. “That’s just it. Sadie is usually completely immune to me. More than immune—almost antagonistically opposed. But tonight, she seemed … I don’t know.”

Vulnerableis the word I don’t say. Somehow, I just know that Sadie would murder me if I ever used that word to describe her in a conversation—even one with Jake.

I look over at the table at the edge of the lawn where Eloise is leaning in, whispering something to Merritt. “Has Lo said anything?”

“Nothing except she didn’t expect Sadie to be here.”

Jake frowns at something behind me, and I turn, following his gaze until I see what he’s seeing—two big men in dark suits standing on the wide stone path that leads around to the front of the house. Not all that strange, considering we’re at a party. Even less so with the Flower Festival starting tomorrow. As I told Sadie earlier, the whole island is booked up.

But there’s something about the men’s body language that has me—and clearly Jake, as well—on high alert. Maybe it’s their posture or the stiffness of their suits, but it looks like they’re here on some sort ofofficialbusiness. Not partygoers. Not here for the festival.

No, they’re clearly looking for someone.

My chest immediately constricts with worry, thinking of Sadie’s off behavior today. I’m probably just being paranoid. My mind is turning them into mobsters, but they could just as easily be a pair of detectives from Savannah, or government agents from the IRS or SEC or some equally boring agency. Which, if that’s the case, they’re probably here for me. I keep my business dealings completely above board, but my father does not have the same scruples. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s landed in some sort of trouble with the government.

Eloise appears beside Jake. “Do you recognize them?”

“Nope,” Jake says. “Let’s go check it out.”

Together, the three of us push through the crowd until we reach them. “Hi,” Eloise says, a little too brightly. “May we help you?”

“Is this the Markham residence?” the tallest guy asks.

My gut tightens—this is not about me, then. Thisdoeshave to do with Sadie. I don’t know how I know it, but I do. She was clearly nervous about something, and now there are strange men in Oakley, mere hours after she arrived, looking for the Markhams.

I’m glad Sadie stole my keys, and I can only hope she’s made it safely to my boat.

“What’s this about?” Jake asks, using the voice I imagine he uses when he’s in a courtroom. It’s firm and commanding and clearly positions himself as a man in charge. He also physically positions himself in front of Eloise.

“I’m Eloise Markham,” Lo says, stepping around Jake. “Would you mind telling us why you’re here? I’m guessing it’s not for the party.”

“I’m German, and this is Daniels. We’re with the Strategic Unit over Cybersecurity and Safety. We’re looking for your sister, Sadie. We assume she arrived today?”

My stomach drops. This can’t be good. Even if I have no idea what this agency is or what it does.

“I’m sorry—what agency are you with again?” I ask.

“The Strategic Unit over Cybersecurity and Safety,” he says. “It’s a division of the FBI.”

“Never heard of it,” Jake says. “Can I see some identification?”

“Your name isGerman?” Eloise asks at the same time.

German reaches inside his suit coat and pulls out a badge. I don’t miss the gun strapped to his side. Suddenly, the situation seems a whole lot more serious. Jake frowns at the badge, thenpulls out his phone, clearly checking the info. This is when it’s nice to have lawyer friends. Or, you know, friends who can keep a cool head in a crisis. While he’s fact-checking, I can’t stop thinking about the disproportionately small size of German’s neck compared to his body and his giant head. Or the fact that the acronym for the agency he claims to be from spellsSUCS.Neither realization is helpful, and I give my (normal-sized) head a small shake, willing myself to focus.

Merritt steps up beside Eloise, looking every bit the older sister. Hunter isn’t more than a step behind her, looking tense.

“Maybe you should tell uswhyyou’re looking for Sadie,” Merritt says smoothly. “Government agent or not, you’ve just barged in on a private party. And Sadie didn’t mention anything about expecting you.”

“So, shedidarrive in Oakley,” German says, looking slightly relieved.

Daniels still hasn’t spoken a word, and I’m beginning to wonder if hecantalk. Or maybe this is a version of good cop/bad cop, but more talks-a-lot cop and silent cop. Just substitutegovernment agentforcop, and there you go.

“Look, it’s very important that we talk to her immediately,” German continues. “There’s been a few developments with her situation, so for her safety?—”

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