Page 33 of Rise of the Warlock

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For now, we have once again dodged a problem, we have once again conquered evil. I will enjoy this day, I will spend the time with Hope, as tomorrow we don’t know what might happen. “Hope, you want to come with me?”

I see her eyes widen in surprise, but a second later she nods and steps towards me taking the hand that I hold out to her. “See you all later,” I say as I start guiding Hope away from the group and towards the Cavern that Darius introduced us to.

I notice Hope’s flaming cheeks, her embarrassment endearing. She is such a strong, headstrong woman, but her heart is pure, her thoughts still innocent. This war infuriates me because it has introduced the girls to the ugliness of war, it has made them fight an evil which they should never have been introduced to.

“It’s so beautiful here, I can never have enough!” she murmurs with a gentle smile as she looks around.

“Let’s go sit over there,” I lead Hope towards the opposite side of where the pond is situated. There is a large Pink Quartz protruding from the ground. The colour radiates with light, calling us closer, calming our perturbed souls.

When we are both sitting, I take her hand and gaze deep into her eyes. “I thought it would be good for us to take time to talk while it is quiet.” She nods, a light smile lifting her lips.

“When I was first called to the palace to guard a princess, I have to confess that I wasn’t happy, the thought of leaving my pack and going to babysit made me angry,” I see her frown, her hand fisting. “I thought of refusing,”

“Why didn’t you?” she snaps, “and you have never needed to babysit me,” she starts to stand but I pull her back down.

“Let me finish,” I say calmly trying to calm her anger, “You ask me why I didn’t tell you sooner, the truth is that I couldn’t. The moment I saw you I knew that there was no way that I would ever leave you.”

“You knew that you were my mate the first time you met me?” she asks in surprise.

“Yes, the minute our eyes clashed across that room I knew that you were going to give me a good workout, but I would never let go.” She smiles, shrugging in amusement. “I thought that no one knew, but a few weeks ago your mother asked me when I was going to tell you that we are mates,”

She gasps in surprise, “my mother knew, and she didn’t tell me?”

“She thought it best to leave it to me, I know that you think I should have told you earlier, but I was waiting for you to be ready.” I grunt before continuing, “I realise that there was never a right moment, and I should have saved us both the frustration and just told you right at the start.”

“I know now,” she murmurs as she looks down at our interlinked hands.

“This war has come at an inopportune time for us, but we will grow stronger together and we will fight this evil together.” I promise.

“You have always made me stronger, when I am with you, I am not afraid because I know that you are always at my back. I didn’t know that we were mates, but I knew that we had a special connection,” I lift my hands to wrap around her shoulders as I pull her into my arms.

“I love you Hope,”

“I love you too Trek,” holding her against my chest, our heartbeat beating to the tune of our souls is the only music that we will ever need to drive us forward in love.

The future is unknown, but we know that once Dream gets back with information on what the Warlocks weaknesses are, we will plan accordingly to march forward and save Love from her captive, and save all the beings from Eternity Fae, freeing them to a new future, a new beginning. Assuring that our lives are peaceful, and our joining is fruitful in building Hope’s power and fighting to conquer the evil that is currently following us.

Hope is my future, my love, my life and the two of us will be forever interlinked.
