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I made it clear, and I promised each and every one of them that it wouldn’t be the case. I’m not into that, nor am I going to go down that slope. I can see how everyone looks at me though, like I have privileges when I don’t. I don’t know how to make them understand that I’m not going to do that no matter what.

“So, the freak has decided that she’s finally going to have a backbone in the workplace?” Jessie is all but sneering at me as she cackles along with her friends, “I swear, I don’t see what Pack Leader sees in her. She is newly shifted and isn’t even that cute. He would be better off with someone who knows how to please him instead of a newbie who is just going to get herself killed because she decided to put her nose someplace it didn’t belong.”

I’m half-tempted to walk over there and bitch slap her across the face but I hold it in. It’s not going to do me any good by getting mad at her because then, the entire company would know what had happened. I have no qualms about beating the shit out of her, but I know it’s not going to look good when everybody else looks at it. They are probably going to tell me that I should have used my words instead of letting her get to me…

But of course, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“Have you seen how big he is?” She all but gushes, making me want to puke and also rip out her tongue because that’s my mate she is talking about, “he is hung like a horse, and I have fantasized about what it would be like to be with him. I knowonce he starts to get bored of her, he will start looking elsewhere. They always do.”

Keep calm, Eloise, you can ignore her.

“I can’t see why he couldn’t pick me; I would have been the perfect Luna.” Jessie continues, “I bet he doesn’t even fuck her because he’s afraid of making weak pups just like her. Mutts, I would call them.”

Something inside of me snaps hearing her talk about my pups that haven’t even been created yet. I spin around on my heel, and I glare at her, seeing how she is momentarily surprised that I’m giving her my attention. I stalk towards her, giving her a small smile that I know is menacing.

“You know, I like it how you continuously brag about how you want to bag MY mate, but he hasn’t ever looked at you except with distain.” I growl at her, folding my arms across my chest, “he knows what kind of person you are, and trust me, he fucks me really well whenever I want it. I can’t even describe how good he makes me feel because he is MY mate, and I would appreciate it if you kept him out of your mouth because you’re nothing but a nosy slut who keeps trying to bag someone she can’t have.”

Her eyes are wild with rage as she looks at me, as if she can’t believe what I am saying to her, “What right do you have to talk to me like that, Eloise? You’re the one who spread your legs and took the Pack Leader when you did NOT deserve him. He is way out of your league, freak, and I’m sure you’re going to learn that soon enough when he gets bored of you.”

I grin because she is testing the waters of something she really shouldn’t, “hmm. He didn’t say he was bored of me when he was pounding inside of me this morning… I think I still have some of him inside of me if I’m being honest.”

She lets out a feral scream and lunges towards me, probably trying to assert her dominance and try to make me back downat the Luna. Nothing, especially her, is going to get me to back down and I think I’m honestly fed up at this point from dealing with all of them. If they want to see what kind of bitch I can be, then I will show them a bitch.

Just as she gets close enough, I grab her by her throat before she is even close enough to hurt me and push her so hard, she goes flying into a wall. There is a human-sized dent in the wall now, her visibly shaking from hitting it. I thought that I might have knocked her out but her eyes flash open and she manages to stand up. I thought she would have given up, but she stalks forward, straight at me. I let out a small sigh, wondering how she could be so stupid as she got close enough to try and hit me.

One kick to the gut is enough to send her to her knees as everyone watches in fascination and horror.

“Are you done yet, Jessie?” I ask her coldly, already fed up with this entire thing, “I don’t know what your problem is but you’re just going to get yourself injured or killed if you don’t stop. I have no interest in fighting with you. You are a WASTE of my time, but you won’t leave me alone either. Just let this go.”

Her eyes are wild as she looks up at me, “I’d rather take you down with me, bitch! Raven is MINE! I’m going to take him from you!”

I know that she couldn’t but something inside of me snaps and I’ve had enough. I’m on her in the blink of an eye, my hand wrapped around her throat as I pin her to the ground, choking her. I can hear people screaming my name, begging me to stop but I CAN’T stop. I don’t want to stop. This bitch has been messing with what’s mine for far too long and I can’t let her do it any longer. She’s clawing at my hand, trying to make me let go but I just kneel there, suppressing her easily and showing EVERYONE that I am not weak, and I will not be treated as such.

Just as I see she is about to pass out, a familiar scent fills my senses, making me look up. Raven is approaching me, a worriedlook on his face when he looks between Jessie and me. I don’t like him looking at her because it makes me actually nauseous. If I had my choice, I probably would tell him to kill her with me.

She just needs to die. It’s as simple as that.

Chapter Nine


I had no idea why I was being called to Eloise’s work. I didn’t think much about it because she was my mate and maybe they needed to talk with me about something, but I didn’t know how to take seeing her choking the life out of someone. My eyes widened in horror when I saw what was going on, but I saw then that she was choking the chick who had disrespected her the other day. From my sources, this girl, Jessie, has always treated Eloise like crap and was livid when she found out that Eloise is my fated mate.

It's not like it was any of her business because I would have never chosen to be with her in the first place even if I didn’t have Eloise. I know that she must have done something to provoke Eloise to this much anger, but it does make my stomach sink a little bit because I don’t know how to fix it. I just want her to be alright, but I feel like she is slipping through my fingers every second that I let her do this.

“Eloise, it’s time to stop.” I tell her softly, watching her head snap up as her eyes meet mine, confused, “I know that sheprobably did something despicable and you want to teach her a lesson but don’t kill her. It’s not worth it because you would be taken from me… Maybe. Did she provoke you first?”

Eloise curtly nods.

“Okay, then she would technically be the one at fault, but you don’t need blood on your hands.” I murmur to her softly, knowing as a newly turned shifter, you really do not want to piss them off if you value your life, “Listen, why don’t you let her go, and then you and I can go away from here somewhere private. Nobody else will be around and I will give you whatever you want. All you would have to do is ask.”

“She’s rude.” Eloise grumbles under her breath, “She treats me like shit and talks about you like you belong to her. She deserves this.”

Her hand tightens ever so slightly, making me tense up a little bit because she could very well crush the girl’s throat, “she will NEVER have me, Eloise, no one will but you. I can promise you that…”

She looks up at me hesitantly, and I just continue to hold out my hand to her. Obviously, it is going to be her choice if she ends up pushing me away or not and I can’t say that I blame her. If she really wants to kill this bitch, then she is going to do exactly that. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she did follow through with it by how mean this bitch has been to her. I had never thought so cruelly of someone until I saw the girl who tried to make my mate’s life a living hell.

“Would you hate me if I killed her?” Eloise asks me softly.

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