Page 31 of The Crown's Choice

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The heavy door to the waiting room creaked open, and the siblings—Prince Theodore and Princess Eloise—entered, their faces pale and drawn. James pulled them into a tight embrace, offering what little comfort he could under the circumstances.

“Any news yet?” Theodore asked, his voice strained.

“Nothing,” James replied, shaking his head. “But we have to believe that he’ll pull through.”

As they settled into the uncomfortable chairs, Amanda tried to lighten the mood with humor. “You know, ever since I started working for your family, I’ve learned things like ‘triple bypass’ and ‘coronary artery.’ Quite the education, really.”

“Welcome to the royal crash course,” Eloise quipped, a weak smile gracing her lips. “Though I wish you could have skipped this particular lesson.”

“Me too,” Amanda agreed, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes. Inwardly, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were all balancing on a knife’s edge —one slip and their fragile world would come crashing down around them.

“Father is strong,” James murmured, his voice tinged with hope. “He’s faced worse than this before, and he’s always come out on top. We just need to support each other.”

“And keep our guard up,” Amanda added, casting a wary glance at the waiting room door. The threat of Marquis Christopher loomed over them like a storm cloud, but for now, all they could do was wait and pray that they’d weather the storm together.

“Hey, James,” Amanda said, breaking the silence that had settled over the waiting room. “How about we step outside for a moment? Get some fresh air.”

“Good idea,” James agreed, rubbing his eyes wearily. “I feel like I’ve been in here for days.”

“Everyone could use a little break,” Eloise added, waving them off with a tired smile.

As they exited the hospital, Amanda wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a chill in the air. Though it was warm, the entire situation had left her cold inside.

“Much better out here,” James remarked, inhaling deeply, gratitude evident in his voice. “I think I was starting to go stir-crazy in there.”

“Understandable,” Amanda replied, leaning against the brick wall of the hospital. “It’s been a rollercoaster of a day, hasn’t it?”

“More like a week,” James corrected, running a hand through his tousled hair. “But at least we’re all together, supporting each other.”

“Speaking of support, are you holding up okay?” Amanda asked.

“Me?” James chuckled. “Well, if I’m honest, I’m exhausted, worried, and a little bit scared. But I know my father can pull through this.” He paused, adding in a lighter tone, “And I’d be lying if I said having you by my side doesn’t make it easier.”

Amanda smiled at his words. “You help everyone. The speech you made last night about his surgery being today and asking the entire kingdom to pray for your father was heartfelt, and I can see in the faces of the nurses and doctors that they took your words to heart. I’m certain the rest of the nation did as well.”

Their brief respite from tension was shattered when Amanda caught the glint of something metallic in the fading sunlight. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on the object—a gun barrel, aimed directly at them.

“James, get down!” she shouted, lunging forward to knock him to the ground. Her body covered his as the sound of a gunshot echoed through the courtyard.

“Wha—” James began, confusion and shock battling for dominance on his face.

“Someone just tried to shoot you!” Amanda breathed out, her eyes scanning the area for signs of the would-be assassin. “We need to get back inside, now.”

“Wait, are you hurt?” James asked urgently, his concern for her trumping his own fear.

“No, I’m fine,” Amanda assured him, pulling him up by the hand and racing toward the hospital entrance. “Come on!”

As they burst back into the waiting room, a flurry of questions and worried exclamations greeted them. Paparazzi, who had been lurking on the hospital grounds in anticipation of news on the king’s condition, snapped photos and recorded videos, capturing the entire chaotic scene.

“Someone tried to kill James!” Amanda panted, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Who? What happened?” Theodore demanded.

“Gunshot outside,” James explained, still reeling from the realization that he’d been mere seconds away from death. “Amanda saw it coming and saved me.”

“Thank God you’re okay,” Eloise whispered, tears pooling in her eyes as she embraced her brother tightly.

“Me too,” James murmured. “I owe you my life, Amanda. That’s twice you’ve saved me from assassination.”
