Page 12 of Love at First Sip

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Gavin may have thought he was being cute by giving her spoiled milk, but the jokes on him!

Chapter Thirteen

“How could you?” Deanna raises her voice and begins to pace the floor.

“How could I what?” Gavin laughs, confused by Deanna’s outburst. He knew she was having a trying day, but things were obviously worse than she’d led him to believe.

“This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but I’m going to be getting my milk from corporate from now own. I bettheywon’t accidently send me milk that’s bad!” And with that, Deanna ends the call.

It wasn’t like her to get so upset. With the phone still in her hand, she talks herself out of calling Gavin again. Not until she’s had a chance to cool off.

She stares at her computer screen for the longest time. Tonight, she’s going to spend some time with Max, who, by the way, is actually Maxine, but Max seems to suit her better, and she’s going to indulge in the cake the casino had sent to her yesterday. It was a kind gesture on their part, welcoming her to the community, but she was almost willing to bet that Marilyn’s husband had probably had something to do with it, since it had come from the same one he worked for.

Instead of going back to the salesfloor, she decides to read thru the email from corporate one more time. She can’t help wondering what had made them change their mind.

And that’s when she sees it. The newest email marked as urgent. In the subject line, the wordsPLEASE DISREGARD THE PREVIOUS EMAIL. IT WAS NOT INTENDED FOR YOUR LOCATIONis written in bold print.

Poor Gavin. She owed him a big apology.


Deanna had just slipped her boots off when the knock sounded at her door. Yanking the door open, she wraps her arms around his neck. “Gavin, I’m so sorry. I…I…it’s just been—”

“Shh,” he says and places his finger against her lip. “You don’t have to apologize. If anything, I’m the one that should be apologizing to you.”

When he’s done explaining how the crates of milk had shifted in his truck when he’d had to slam on breaks for a car that had pulled out in front of him, Deanna understands how the mix-up happened.

“Plus, I was trying to get to you as quickly as I could. I knew you were almost out and—”

“I forgive you,” she assures him and kisses him on the cheek. “You rescued me in more ways than one and that’s all that matters. The spoiled milk couldn’t have come at a better time.”

“I have one question for you.”

“Yes?” Deanna curls into his arms on the sofa and rests her head against his shoulder.

“Please tell me you’re not going back to New York City. That you’re never leaving Tahoe again.”

Sensing the uneasiness in his tone, she leans up to look at him squarely in the eyes. “Gavin Winston, you’re stuck with me now. As a matter of fact, forever.”

The End
