Page 55 of Taming Dahlia

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Iwas sure that there was a certain point up to of how much TV a person could watch or how many books they could read before they started to go insane. I felt that I had already passed over that threshold and was now clearly in the red zone.

I longed for the outside. I wanted to feel the sun on my skin and the gentle breeze in my hair — and not only experience the outside through a window.

It brought back memories of my first few years with Francesco.

I hadn’t been allowed to go outside then, either.

I even missed seeing other people.

The boys were great and all, of course. They kept me company, and the sex was pretty fucking amazing, but it still wasn’t enough to make me feel fully fulfilled. But despite my wants, I was in the library at the moment, browsing for something other to read.

Ultimately, it was the only option I had.

I knocked my knuckles on the wood of the bookshelf, humming to myself. Ace had told me once about the kind of books he liked to read if I remembered correctly. Maybe I should try them out?

With a new goal in mind, I started searching through the bookshelves again, my eyes darting from one section to another, until I found the genre that I was looking for.

After examining the various titles and covers, my eyes eventually settled on one particular book that seemed interesting. The cover had a dark, mysterious hue, adorned with a few elegant rings, and centered in the middle was the titleSolaris. I glanced at the back of it to see what it was about, and just when I was about to open it, I heard the sound of my name spoken right behind me.

I flinched so hard that I almost dropped the book that I’d been holding.

“Jesus, King!” I yelped, exhaling. “You startled me! Make some noise when you sneak up behind someone like this.”

Heart thundering in my chest, I gingerly put the book back on the shelf and turned around to face him.

“Sorry,” he said, not sounding particularly fucking sorry, a shadow of a smile hiding at the corner of his mouth.

I frowned, giving him the stink eye, and he chuckled.

“The table is set if you want to come and eat.”

I thought about it for a moment, before shaking my head. “Nah, I’m not hungry. You guys can go ahead.”

He nodded and made a move to walk out of the door, but then I remembered something. “King?”


“I… I wanted to order something.”

The thought of constantly having to ask permission to buy even the most basic necessities — things like personal hygiene products and clothing — never failed to fill me with dismay.Fortunately, King never seemed to make a big deal about it and just let me have complete control over whatever I needed to buy. However, I’d been using the credit card for months now. Who knew how much money was even left on it?


I tried not to roll my eyes at him. “And, I hate to ask this…”

He really had no idea just how much I hated to ask him this. I had always been independent, and this current situation made me feel a weird sense of aversion every time this particular subject was brought up.

“I wondered how much money is left on there.”

“Don’t worry about it—” was all that King said. “Is that all?”

That wasn’t really an answer but…

“I guess?”

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