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"And have me you will, Anastasia."

He rears up and slams into me. I scream, tilting my head back, pulling on the restraints as he hits my sweet spot, and I am all sensation, everywhere - a sweet, sweet agony, and I cannot move. He stills then circles his hips, and the motion radiates deep inside me.

"Why do you defy me, Ana?"

"Christian, stop . . ."

He circles deep inside me again, ignoring my plea, easing out slowly and then slamming into me again.

"Tell me. Why?" he hisses, and I'm vaguely aware that it's through gritted teeth.

I cry out in an incoherent wail . . . this is too much.

"Tell me."

"Christian . . ."

"Ana, I need to know."

He slams into me again, thrusting so deep, and I'm building . . . the feeling is so intense - it swamps me, spiraling out from deep within my belly, to each limb, to each biting metal restraint.

"I don't know!" I cry out. "Because I can! Because I love you!

Please, Christian."

He groans loudly and thrusts deep, again and again, over and over, and I am lost, trying to absorb the pleasure. It's mind blowing . . . body blowing . . . I long to straighten my legs, to control my imminent orgasm, but I can't . . . I'm helpless. I'm his, just his, to do with as he wills . . . Tears spring to my eyes. This is too intense. I can't stop him. I don't want to stop him . . . I want . . . I want . . . oh no, oh no . . . this is too . . .

"That's it," Christian growls. "Feel it, baby!"

I detonate around him, again and again, round and round, screaming loudly as my orgasm rips me apart, scorching through me like a wildfire, consuming everything. I am wrung ragged, tears streaming down my face - my body left pulsing and shaking.

And I'm aware that Christian kneels, still inside me, pulling me upright onto his lap. He clutches my head with one hand and my back with another, and he comes violently inside me while my insides continue to tremble with aftershocks. It's draining, it's exhausting, it's hell . . . it's heaven. It's hedonism gone wild.

Christian tears off the blindfold and kisses me. He kisses my eyes, my nose, my cheeks. He kisses away the tears, clutching my face in between his hands.

"I love you, Mrs. Grey," he breathes. "Even though you make me so mad - I feel so alive with you." I don't have the energy to open either my eyes or my mouth to respond. Very gently, he lays me back on the bed and eases out of me.

I mouth some wordless protest. He climbs off the bed and undoes the handcuffs. When I'm free, he gently rubs my wrists and ankles, then lies down beside me again, pulling me into his arms. I stretch out my legs. Oh my, that feels good. I feel good. That was, without doubt, the most intense climax I have ever endured. Hmm . . . a Christian Grey fifty shades punishment f**k.

I really must misbehave more often.

A pressing need from my bladder wakes me. When I open my eyes, I'm disorientated. It's dark outside. Where am I? London? Paris? Oh - the boat. I feel her pitch and roll, and hear the quiet hum of the engines. We're on the move. How odd. Christian is beside me, working on his laptop, casually dressed in a white linen shirt and chino trousers, his feet bare. His hair is still wet, I presume from a shower. I can smell his body wash and his Christian smell . . . Hmm.

"Hi," he murmurs, gazing down at me, his eyes warm.

"Hi." I smile, feeling suddenly shy. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Just an hour or so."

"We're moving?"

"I figured since we ate out last night and went to the ballet and the Casino that we'd dine on board tonight. A quiet night a deux."

I grin at him. "Where are we going?"


"Okay." I stretch, feeling stiff. No amount of training with Claude could have prepared me for this afternoon.

I rise gingerly, needing the bathroom. Grabbing my silk robe, I hastily put it on. Why am I so shy? I feel Christian's eyes on me. When I glance at him, he returns to his laptop, his brow furrowed. Why's he frowning?

As I absentmindedly wash my hands at the vanity unit, recalling last night at the Casino, my robe falls open. I stare at myself in the mirror, shocked.

Holy f**k! What has he done to me?

Chapter Three

I gaze in horror at the red marks all over my br**sts. Hickeys! I have hickeys! I am married to one of the most respected businessmen in the United States, and he's given me goddamn hickeys. How did I not feel him doing this to me? I flush. The fact is I know exactly why - Mr. Orgasmic was using his fine-motor sexing skills on me. My subconscious peers over her half-moon specs and tuts disapprovingly, while my inner goddess slumbers on her chaise longue, out for the count. I gape at my reflection. My wrists have a red welt around them from the handcuffs. No doubt they'll bruise. I examine my ankles - more welts. Holy hell, I look like I've been in some sort of accident. I gaze at myself, trying to absorb how I look. My body is so different these days. It's changed subtly since I've known him . . . I've become leaner and fitter, and my hair is glossy and well cut. My nails are manicured, my feet pedicured, my eyebrows threaded and beautifully shaped. For the first time in my life, I'm well groomed -

except for these hideous love bites.

I don't want to think about grooming at the moment. I'm too mad. How dare he mark me like this, like some teenager. In the short time we've been together, he's never given me hickeys. I look like hell. I know why he's done this. Damn control freak. Right! My subconscious folds her arms beneath her small bosom - he's gone too far this time. I stalk out of the en suite bathroom and into the walk-in closet, carefully avoiding even a glance in his direction. Slipping out of my robe, I pull on my sweatpants and a camisole. I undo the braid, pick up a hairbrush from the small vanity unit, and brush out my tangles.
