Page 17 of A Magical Christmas

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But he wasn’t answering my question and the gap between us became more and more apparent.

Grimacing, I moved self-consciously.

He came away from my body and rolled away as if I’d never spoken. “Shall we shower?”

I definitely needed to. “Okay...” A little crestfallen at his avoidance, I followed him into the bathroom and carefully stepped over the wet tiles until I stood beneath the welcoming hot spray. The whole room smelled like sex, sweat, andNicky. I cleansed myself quickly and thoroughly, the water washing away the evidence of our lovemaking.

Nicky turned on another shower head and scrubbed himself too, purposely avoiding my gaze.

I wasn’t sure how I’d fucked up, but I had. And I had to either fix this fast, or I might as well head home to my town house. “So... um, do you want me to head home?” I asked as casually as I could. “I might be able to get myself back, though I’ve never done a transportational spell that went international before.”

Some witches could do it. And I had the power, but I’d never tried the spell before and hated to think what could happen if I made a mistake—I might find myself stranded in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Nicky’s gaze snapped to me. “You want to leave?” he asked, seeming almost angry somehow.

I had no idea how we’d gotten from what we’d shared before, to here. “Ah, no... but—”

“Then don’t,” he said, then coughed to clear his throat. “Stay.”

I nodded to agree, but my gut was churning. I really didn’t understand what had gone wrong with our conversation. He had been the one to bring up Fated Mates and his Mrs. Claus... but aas I overstepping? Asking questions about private family stuff? Maybe it wasn’t my place to ask such things, and if so, I needed to apologize. “Hey, look, Nicky. I didn’t mean to pry into your family business. I was just curious, that’s all. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable.”

His lips quirked up in a smile.

I shivered as warmth cascaded over me, hotter than even the shower water. In an attempt to deflect and diffuse the tension of the moment, I made a joke. “The next thing you’re going to reveal is that the Easter Bunny’s real, right?” I chuckled away to myself, turning the water off to grab a fluffy towel. When I looked back at Nicky he was smirking. “What?” I asked, playfully.

“He is real.”

“Who is?” I countered, tying the towel around myself, and loving just how big it was. The towel covered me completely from breasts to knees.I could get used to this!

“The Easter Bunny,” Nicky said, switching off his own shower head and walking over to the towel rack. The way he moved was just incredible. Like a big cat, all strong muscles and grace.

Damn he’s got the best ass I’ve ever seen.With concerted effort I dragged my mind out of the gutter and tried to focus on what the last thing I’d said was. “Hang on a second, you mean... the freaking Easter Bunny is really real, like you?”

Nicky wrapped his towel around his waist, the knot tied low on his sculpted left hip. “Yep. And he’s six foot tall.”

“No way,” I gushed, my eyes wide.No fucking way!

Nicky walked towards the bedroom once more. “It’s no lie. I swear. I’ll introduce you sometime if you want, though he lives a while away—in a tiny town in Ireland. It’s a bit of a trip from here.”

I followed Nicky, aka Santa Claus in the flesh, back into his bedroom, my jaw slack. “I can’t believe it, but then I suppose I should! After all, I’m here with Father Christmas after all.”

Nicky tossed his towel onto a chair and crawled back into bed. “Jaydy, I’m honestly exhausted. I had the biggest night of work last night. Would you mind if we go to sleep early?”

The ease of how he said the words had me stumbling over the carpet and catching myself on the huge bed. like he’d said that a thousand times before. Like I’d heard it, a million times before. They felt so familiar and comforting. “Yeah... sure.” As I said the words a zing of premonition coursed up my spine and a scene of the future flashed in my mind.

Nicky was lying in this very bed, older and smiling. And a man stood by his side. He turned towards me, and my eyes stared right back at me. I yanked myself out of the vision and sat down on the bed, a tremor passing over me.Oh myGod.I was meant to be with Nicky! I’d seen our future. Him in this bed. Our son standing by his side...

Fear hit me like a wave. I’d seen my future before. I’d seen possible outcomes where I was happy. Where things I wanted came to fruition. But now, I was seeing something I never even dared to dream of. A husband forever? A son of my own?

“Come on beautiful,” Nicky called out to me. “Come rest.”

I nodded shakily and forced my legs to work, walking around the bed to climb in beside Santa Claus.

“Towel?” Nicky said, reminding me to take off the wet towel I still had wrapped around me.

“Oh yeah... sorry. I’m feeling a bit, spacey at the moment.”

“Hmm... yeah, I know the feeling,” he answered, his eyes slowly closing as he settled onto his side of the bed.
