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“In the name of research?” He tilted his head and shrugged amicably. “Have at it.”

“Good,” Blair said triumphantly. “May I take your neck, kind sir?”

Lifting his chin, Remmus’ eyes stayed on her while she closed the distance between them and bared her fangs. She latched onto his flesh in the second that followed, his stark woodsy scent infiltrating her senses. The rush of crimson flooded her mouth, power laced in the dense liquid that spoke to his supernatural nature.

But as much as the taste pleased her palate, it left her wholly dissatisfied.

While potent, Remmus’ blood didn’t incite desire within her like Kaien’s did. It didn’t leave her craving for more. The man before her stood maddeningly still, though she could tell by the heat of his presence that he’d easily be persuaded into more.

Having arrived at her conclusion, her fangs retracted, and she respectfully sealed the puncture wounds with a well-placed brush of her tongue. She stepped back to an impersonal distance and cocked her head when Remmus laughed in good nature.

“Did I satisfy your curiosity, or do you require more evidence for your hypothesis?”

Blair studied him for half a moment longer. “One more favor, Remmus. Kiss me.”

“Can’t get enough, vampire?” One blond eyebrow raised in entertained skepticism before he crossed his arms and let his confidence snap through the air. “Forgive my candor, but what mysteries do you intentionally withhold? You study me as if I’m an ant under your microscope.”

“If I told you all my secrets, where would be the fun in that?” she baited. “Didn’t take you for a pansy.”

Remmus reared back and threw her a comical scowl. “That’s twice in one day. Do I look like a delicate little flower to you?”

His lips descended to hers seconds later, literally stealing her breath as his muscular arms claimed her waist. Surprised, Blair stood rooted in place though her mouth unintentionally responded to the harsh intrusion. The Raeth, she begrudgingly admitted, was a fine kisser, and his reputation as a hopeless romantic preceded him.

It did absolutely nothing to spark her passionate interest. Nothing in Remmus’ kiss heated her veins or gave her goosebumps that way Kaien’s did. No flair of desire. No connection that whispered of a deepening bond.

And, just as quickly, she recognized that the act of kissing any man other than Kaien was revolting. Pressing her palm gently into Remmus’ breastbone, Blair went to pull away.

That was when Kaien’s unearthly roar shook the ground they stood on.

Immediately, Remmus retreated from her lips in confusion, but it wasn’t enough. Kaien collided with Remmus’ body with the force of a barreling freight train, the sound echoing in a sickening thud.

He snarled, savage and animalistic, as he continued his assault, his vengeful wrath pushing through their mating bond. Startled into stillness, Blair stood frozen as she watched Kaien’s homicidal rage unleash on the man she’d just been kissing.

The sound of a pained bellow snapped her out of her shock. Battered beneath Kaien’s fists, Remmus was bleeding profusely from the innumerable wounds he’d suffered in the span of mere seconds.

Eyes widening in terror, Blair shrieked, “Stop!”

And Kaien did, if only to allow her a split-second opening to gather his enraged fist in her hands when she sprinted over to them with supernatural speed. His eyes never wavered from Remmus’ bleeding face, his teeth bared in a hostile snarl as his hand quivered beneath her fingertips.

“Stop, Kaien!” Blair’s desperation got his attention. “Remmus is not at fault!”

“He kissed you!”

Kaien’s guttural roar shook the earth around him. He turned his antagonistic glare toward her, seething as he forced himself to contain his fury.

“You’re mine!”

Remmus’ eyes—already beginning to swell from the vicious beating—widened in recognition beneath him. “You’re mating? Are you trying to get me killed, vampire?”

Blair sucked in a breath, drawing Kaien’s attention. When his punishing grip on Remmus relaxed a fraction, the other male took the distraction and squirmed hastily out from underneath him.

Pressing a hand to his bleeding temple, Remmus worked his jaw where purplish-blue bruises were developing. “What the hell, Blair? Had I known you were mating with Kaien—withanyone—I wouldn’t have accepted your proposal.”

“I’m sorry, Remmus—I didn’t think—”

“Youwantedhim to kiss you?” Betrayed shock punctuated the anger that bled into Kaien’s features, his eyes narrowing at his best friend once more with the promise of pain.

“I needed to see if Remmus would react to me the way you did,” Blair explained. “Humans become aroused so easily at my bite. Had to know if Raeths were the same way.”
