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"Leave them out of this!" Amelia shouted, her eyes blazing with anger. "It's over!"

"Shut up, Inspector," Bryant spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're in no position to make demands."

"Neither are you," Finn retorted, his mind racing as he tried to figure out the best course of action. He couldn't risk Amelia and Sheryl's lives, but how could he get close enough to disarm Bryant?

"Tick-tock, Agent Wright," Bryant mocked, taking another step forward. "What's your move?"

"Alright, Bryant," Finn said, making a decision. "Let them go, and we'll settle this like men."

"Ha!" Bryant laughed, amused by Finn's bravado. "You think I'm that much of an idiot. Why fight, when you can shoot?"

Finn suddenly kicked at the water on the ground, splashing it up onto Bryant's face. At the same moment, Sheryl clawed at his face and fell to the ground. Amelia thrust forward with a punch, but Bryant smacked her against the wall, dazing her.

With a sudden burst of speed, Finn closed the distance between himself and Bryant. He pulled the trigger of his gun, but Bryant grabbed the gun, pulling it to the side so that the bullet embedded into the tunnel walls, splintering the rock. He then pulled at Finn's wrist, bending it back. The gun then dropped from Finn's grip, splashing into the water at their feet.

Finn grappled and threw a punch, glancing Bryant's chin. But it felt like it was made of stone, forged from years of combat. Bryant was relentless. He stepped forward, raising his gun, and Finn rushed at him once more. Finn grabbed the gun and bashed Bryant's hand against the wall. Now, it was Bryant's gun that fell into the dark waters at their feet.

Their movements were swift and precise, both men having been trained in hand-to-hand combat. But Finn could feel it. He was out of his depth. Bryant was faster, stronger, more skilled. It was only a matter of time before he got the better of him.

"Is that all you've got, Wright?" Bryant taunted, landing a punch on Finn's jaw.

"Hardly," Finn replied through gritted teeth, his focus unwavering as he dodged an incoming blow and countered with a strike to Bryant's ribs. Somewhere beyond them, Finn saw Amelia struggling to her feet. She was still dazed, Sheryl helping her.

"Give up, Bryant!" Finn growled, attempting to gain the upper hand. "The police are on their way. And it's no one on your payroll this time. Your time is up."

"Like hell it is," Bryant spat back, his eyes blazing with malice. The two adversaries continued their brutal dance, each one trying to best the other.

As they fought, Bryant unleashed a volley of punches as quick as lightning. Finn found himself knocked down into a section of the tunnel filled with half a foot of water. Disoriented, he struggled to regain his footing as Bryant towered over him, a wicked grin on his face.

"It's your time that's up. you piece of..." Bryant snarled, pushing Finn's face into the murky water. Panic set in as Finn gasped for air, his lungs burning, his need for oxygen growing desperate.

Finn couldn't escape Bryant's vice-like grip, and so all he had were his hands. They grasped and searched blindly underwater. Any longer, and he was going to pass out. His fingers brushed against the cold metal of the firearm, but it remained just out of reach. Seconds passed like eternal pockets of time, and Finn knew he was moments from death.

Finn's body went limp, his desperate attempts to grab his gun underwater ceasing. Bryant, finally defeating the resilient agent, laughed maniacally as he stood up. Water dripped from his clothes, darkening the damp tunnel floor.

"Pathetic," Bryant sneered, fishing a knife from his pocket. The blade glinted menacingly in the dim light, reflecting the twisted satisfaction in his eyes.

"No! Leave him alone!" Amelia screamed, finally regaining her orientation, her voice echoing through the tunnel. Fueled by anger and vengeance, she charged at Bryant, landing a solid punch on his jaw. He stumbled back, momentarily stunned by her unexpected attack.

"Feisty, aren't you?" he growled, recovering quickly. Lunging forward, he grabbed a handful of Amelia's red hair, yanking her head back and exposing her throat. With a sinister grin, he pressed the cold steel of the knife against her body.

"Please, no..." Sheryl's voice echoed.

Bryant looked at his prey.

"The liver or the throat?" he gloated. He then moved the knife to her throat. "Let's make it certain. Good night, Inspector Winters," he hissed, his breath hot on her face. Amelia's eyes widened with fear and desperation as her eyes followed the blade as it began its movement.


With a surge of strength, Finn pushed himself off the ground, inhaling deeply as he burst from the water. In one swift motion, he aimed and fired a single shot.

The bullet found its mark, striking Bryant between the eyes. His grip on Amelia loosened, and his lifeless body crumpled to the ground. The knife clattered against the stone, echoing ominously through the tunnel.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked Amelia, his voice filled with concern as he rushed over to her side, still panting for air.

"Thanks to you," she replied shakily, her eyes still wide with shock. As the adrenaline began to fade, Finn's exhaustion returned, his legs wobbling beneath him. He leaned against the damp tunnel wall for support.

"Never thought I'd be so glad to see that trigger-happy side of you," Amelia quipped.
