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Finn dodged a sweep of the knife. The blade hit the stone wall nearest him and broke in two.

"Must have been a cheap knife," Finn grinned at the man.

He snarled and rushed at Finn, but Finn sidestepped and then wrapped his arm around the now knife-less assailant's neck and choked him out to join his comrade.

"Good job," Finn said, panting slightly as he glanced at the fallen men. "Now let's free her."

Their breathing raced, but they moved with precision, a testament to their experience and partnership. Finn unlocked the door, revealing the terrified woman huddled against the back wall.

"Everything's okay now," Amelia said gently, her soothing tone providing comfort amid the chaos. "We're going to get you out of here."

"Thank you," the woman stammered, tears streaming down her face.

"First things first, though," Finn said, his keen eyes scanning the room for anything that could be used to gag the two men. He quickly tore material from an old sheet in a box nearby and quickly bound and gagged the pair, ensuring they were secure with a couple of cable ties from his pocket that he always carried.

"Amelia, keep an eye on them while I help her up," Finn instructed, his protective instincts kicking in.

"Of course," she replied, watching the men intently while Finn coaxed the frightened woman to her feet.

"Sheryl, can you walk?" he asked, his voice gentle but firm. The woman nodded, her legs shaky but functional.

"Good. Stay close to us. We need to get out of here fast," Finn said, guiding the woman out of the room as Amelia locked the door behind them.

"Let's go," he urged, his focus entirely on keeping the woman safe as they navigated the dimly lit cellar, retracing their steps back through the cellar.

"Are we safe now?" the woman asked, her voice quivering as she clutched Finn's arm. She looked around the dimly lit cellar, her eyes wide with fear.

"Listen," Finn began, his voice steady yet gentle, "my name is Finn, and this is Amelia. We're here to help you. We've taken care of those men for now, but we need to move quickly."

"Alright, Sheryl," Amelia said reassuringly, "we're going to get you out of here. Just stay close and follow our lead."

As they navigated through the dark, winding passages of the cellar, Finn couldn't help but feel responsible for the woman's ordeal. He had come to the UK seeking solace from the chaos of his own life, only to find himself thrust into another dangerous situation. His mind raced with thoughts of his suspension, the impending investigation, and Demi's betrayal. Yet, as he glanced over at Amelia, a sense of gratitude washed over him. Despite his troubled past, he had found a partner who understood him and shared his passion for helping.

"Where are we going?" Sheryl whispered, her grip on Finn's arm tightening with each cautious step.

"There's a tunnel that leads out to the coast," Amelia answered, her voice barely audible. "We'll find a safe place for you there."

"Wh-what will happen to those men?" Kate asked, glancing nervously back at the room they had just escaped from.

"They won't be going anywhere anytime soon," Finn assured her, recalling the tight knots he had secured around their captors' wrists and ankles. "But we can't afford to waste time. There might be others. We need to keep moving."

"Right," Sheryl nodded, taking a shaky breath as she seemingly tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. But she seemed unsure of something, as if she were questioning an important issue in her mind.

The trio continued their journey back through the cellar, the air growing colder with each turn they took. Their footsteps echoed off the damp walls, creating an eerie soundtrack to their escape. Finn's thoughts raced ahead, trying to anticipate any potential obstacles or threats that might lie in wait.

"Almost at the tunnel," Amelia whispered, a hint of relief in her voice as they neared the exit. But just as they were about to reach it, the unmistakable sound of footsteps reverberated through the darkness behind them.

The damp air in the cellar of St Martins Castle clung to their skin with a cold embrace. Finn glanced at Amelia, her fiery red hair glinting in the dim light, as they stood beside the woman they had just saved. Her breathing was erratic, but she seemed relieved to have been found.

"Hey," Finn said gently, his voice softening as he addressed the woman. "Sheryl, what happened to you?"

"It's a blur," she replied, her voice shaking slightly. "I was kidnapped and brought here against my will. They bring girls here and make them do things."

Amelia's brow furrowed in concern. "Do you know who's running this smuggling ring? Who's responsible for all this?"

Sheryl shook her head regretfully. "Some old guy. They always referred to him as 'the Boss.' But I don't know his name."

Finn's attention shifted from Sheryl to the floor above them, his heightened senses picking up the faintest sound of movement. He could feel the danger approaching, and it sent a shiver down his spine. "We need to get out of here now," he whispered urgently.
