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"Fine," Ulman growled, seemingly at the end of his patience. "Look into it, then. But don't expect me to hold your hand through this wild goose chase."

"Great," Finn replied, tension releasing from his shoulders. "Let's get some officers talking to locals near St Martins Castle, see if we can dig up anything they might of seen that could help."

"Good luck with that," Ulman muttered under his breath.

Just then, a clamor erupted down the street as a group of journalists and photographers descended upon the scene. Flashes from cameras illuminated the darkened alleyway, casting eerie shadows on the faces of the onlookers.

"Damn press," Ulman grumbled, straightening his jacket as he prepared to face them. "You two head back to Helford. I'll handle this mess."

"Thanks, inspector," Amelia said, exchanging a relieved glance with Finn.

"Actually," Mulberry interjected. "Would you mind giving me a lift? My car's been having engine trouble, and I don't trust it to make the journey."

"Of course," Finn agreed, nodding toward their vehicle parked nearby. As they walked away from the chaos of the crime scene, he felt an unshakable sensation that danger was lurking just out of sight again. Trying to shake off his unease, he focused on finding answers – if there truly was a conspiracy at play, they needed to get to the bottom of it before anyone else got hurt.

Finn unlocked the car, holding the door open for Amelia and Mulberry. He scanned the surroundings one last time, his instincts still nagging at him. The streetlights cast faint orange pools of light in the on the slick pavement, but the surrounding shadows seemed impenetrable under the darkening evening sky.

"Alright," Amelia said, sliding into the passenger seat. "Let's get out of here."

"Couldn't agree more," Finn replied, closing her door before making his way around to the driver's side.

As he opened the door, a chill ran down his spine, goosebumps prickling across his skin. A sense of unease washed over him, as if he were being watched by unseen eyes. He glanced across the street, but nothing appeared amiss, just closed shops and empty sidewalks.

"Everything okay?" Mulberry asked from the backseat, eyebrow raised in concern.

"Fine," Finn forced a smile, trying to dismiss his lingering paranoia. "Just thought I saw something." He slipped into the driver's seat, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Let's head back," Amelia suggested, her voice steady but concerned. "We'll regroup and figure out our next move."

"Right," Finn agreed, starting the engine with a quiet rumble. He pulled away from the curb, stealing one last glance at the dark alleyway they'd left behind. If there was a conspiracy working against them, they needed to be vigilant and trust their instincts.

As the car merged onto the main road, Finn couldn't help but feel that they were leaving something crucial behind, a piece of the puzzle hidden in plain sight. But with the darkness swallowing the crime scene whole, it was impossible to know what it might be. For now, all they could do was press forward, aware that danger could be lurking around every corner.


The last remnants of fading sunlight cast long shadows across the winding country road as Finn gripped the steering wheel, navigating the turns with ease. Amelia sat in the passenger seat, her red hair reflecting the warm hues of the sunset, while Mulberry occupied the back seat, his keen eyes scanning the landscape.

"Damn," Finn muttered under his breath, thinking about their recent encounter with Horace's tragic death. "I just... I feel like I failed him."

Amelia reached over and gently placed a hand on his arm, offering an understanding smile. "You did everything you could, Finn. You risked your life trying to save him."

Mulberry leaned forward, placing a supportive hand on Finn's shoulder. "She's right, you know. Not everyone would've had the courage to climb out there and attempt a rescue. You're braver than most, Finn." Mulberry sounded wiser than his years.

Finn nodded, though he couldn't shake the guilt that weighed heavily on his chest. He glanced around at the unfamiliar terrain and furrowed his brow. "Hey, did I take a wrong turn? Are we still headed towards Helford Station?"

"Ah, don't worry, my friend," Mulberry assured him. "Around here, all roads lead to Helford eventually."

Amelia chuckled. "Kind of like how all roads lead to Rome, huh? Though I'm not sure Helford has the same glamour as Rome."

At the mention of roads leading to Rome, a spark ignited in Finn's mind and an epiphany formed. He looked at Mulberry through the rearview mirror. "Hey, where do the Brentfords live, exactly?"

"Brentfords?" Mulberry asked.

"We identified a tattoo on one of the victims that's the Brentfords' coat of arms," Amelia explained.

"Brentford Mansion isn't far, it's out on the coast, if I remember correctly," Mulberry replied, obviously curious about Finn's sudden interest.

"Interesting," Finn mused, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "What if that tattoo on victim 4's leg didn't signify her as a member of the Brentford line? Instead, what if it was more like... a brand, signifying ownership?"
