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Finn paced the room, the gears turning in his head. As he walked, his thoughts raced through past cases, searching for any similarities or patterns that could help them decipher the killer's motive.

"Maybe this isn't about money or revenge," Finn mused aloud. "What if there's something else tying these victims together, something we haven't seen yet?"

"Like what?" Amelia asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I don't know yet," Finn admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration.

"Mulberry's local, he might be good at digging into people's lives. Let's get him on identifying the victims," Amelia suggested, her eyes scanning the evidence board. "We can stay on our other lead."

"Right," Finn agreed. "In the meantime, we should pay a visit to Horace Velace. He oversaw work at St Martins Castle fifteen years ago. He's got a criminal record, so it's possible he was involved in digging those tunnels we found," Finn explained, his voice heavy with the weight of the case.

Amelia nodded thoughtfully. "If he knows something about the tunnels, that could give us an idea of what the killer's been up to. We need a lead fast, Finn. Whoever this person is, they're escalating."

"Let's go find Velace, then," Finn said, determination clear in his voice. He grabbed his jacket and Amelia followed suit, both heading out of the office with purpose.


Finn squinted against the cold midday sunlight as he and Amelia walked towards their car in the Helford Police Station car park. His breath fogged up in front of him, a visible reminder of the chill in the air. He felt the weight of his phone in his pocket and took it out to text Rob.

"Is Demi safe?" Finn typed with practiced speed. The question nagged at him, another anchor pulling at the frayed edges of his mind. He sent the message and slipped into the passenger seat of the car.

"Mind if I drive this time?" Amelia asked, her eyes sparkling with determination. It seemed she was eager to take the lead.

"Be my guest," Finn replied, giving her a half-smile. He could use a break from the wheel, anyway. As they pulled away from the station, Finn found himself lost in thought, trying to piece together the puzzle that had brought them here.

The car engine hummed as they drove for thirty minutes through the picturesque countryside towards a town called Sandhaven. Finn couldn't help but admire the quaint beauty of the place – a stark contrast to the sinister underbelly they were investigating. Despite his troubles, he appreciated the opportunity to explore new surroundings.

"Nice place, isn't it?" Amelia remarked, breaking the silence. "I actually came here once when I was a kid."

"Really?" Finn asked, genuinely curious. "What's your favorite memory?"

"Probably the ice cream shop near the beach," she reminisced, her tone softening. "They made the best chocolate ice cream cones."

"Sounds delicious," Finn agreed, feeling a faint pang of nostalgia for simpler times. He imagined a young Amelia, red hair flying in the wind as she chased after seagulls on the sand. The image brought a smile to his face. "We should see if it's still there after all of this is over."

"Hey, don't get too attached to the idea," Amelia teased, catching his grin. "I'm not that kind of a girl. I don't share my ice cream with just anyone."

"Sharing is caring," Finn replied.

Finn's phone pinged with a message from Rob. Demi is fine. Oh, and I am, too, thanks for asking.

Finn could at least take his mind off that worry for the moment.

As they continued their journey to Sandhaven, Finn couldn't shake the other unease that lingered at the back of his mind. He knew that beneath the picturesque surface lay dark secrets, and it was their job to uncover them. But as he glanced over at Amelia, her face focused on the road ahead, he felt reassured.

A thought crossed Finn's mind that if he could slip away after the case, he'd get Amelia one of those cones from her childhood. The idea of making her smile made him feel happy inside.

As Amelia navigated the narrow streets of Sandhaven, Finn pulled out his phone.

"Let's try phoning ahead this time," Finn said. "Let the suspect stew a little."

He dialed the number for Antiquity Rising. A receptionist answered, her voice bright but businesslike.

"Hello, Antiquity Rising. How may I assist you today?"

"Hi," Finn replied, keeping his voice steady. "I'm Inspector Amelia Winters' assistant with the Home Office." He gave Amelia a wry look. "We're looking for a man named Horace Velace, I believe he runs your company. Can you tell me where I can find him?"

"He isn't in at the moment, but you're in luck. Mr. Velace is currently at one of our active construction sites in Sandhaven," she informed him. "Would you like me to give you the address?"
