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They stared at each other. In the past, he would have been lost in Demi's eyes. Now, he couldn't bear to stare at them for long.

Finn's phone vibrated in his pocket, breaking the silence that had settled between them. He glanced at the screen, seeing Rob's name flashing.

"Sorry, I have to take this," Finn said.

"That's okay," answered Demi.

He put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Rob, if you miss me this much," Finn joked. "Maybe I should get one of those implants they use to track stray dogs."

Rob's voice came through, serious and urgent. "Finn, as much as I'd love to joke... We've got a situation. The Home Office has called us in."

Finn's demeanor shifted instantly, the levity replaced by professional focus. "What's happened?"

"A murder," Rob replied. "And it's not just any murder. It's complex, maybe one of the strangest we've come across. It could be a double homicide. We need you here."

"Got it," Finn said, his brain already switching to detective mode. "Where am I headed?"

"I'll send you the address. Amelia's already on her way."

"Understood. I'll be there as fast as I can," Finn replied. "Should I pack a bag?"

"Yes," Rob said. "But no hideous Hawaiian shirts this time, okay? Amelia won't have it."

"In this weather?" Finn said. "You'll be lucky if I don't turn up wrapped in a quilt with two holes for my eyes."

"What a horrid image," Rob said. "Just... Bring the detective part of you, not the idiot part, and we'll be fine."

Finn laughed. "They come as a package deal. You know that..."

"Just hurry," Rob sighed, ending the call.

Finn turned back to Demi, his expression now one of resolve. "I've got to go, Demi. Duty calls. But I'm not happy if someone has been rummaging around in your hotel room."

Demi nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "I don't know what to do."

Finn shook his head and sighed. "You know the address I'm staying at in Great Amwell... Go grab your things at the hotel and make your way there. I'll leave the key in the plant pot at the door."

Demi's eyes lit up.

"It's just for your protection," he assured her.

Demi nodded. "I know."

"I gotta go."

"Be careful, Finn."

He gave her a reassuring smile. "Always am. We'll talk more about this later, I promise."

Finn walked away from the bridge, wondering if he'd made a huge mistake, but now all he wanted to do was focus on the case. That was the only way to keep his mind clear. Two people had been killed, and now he was determined to find their murderer. Somewhere nearby, the crows cawed overhead and a chill wind caught at Finn's face. He pulled his collar up against it and left the park in a hurry.


The bustling train platform just outside of London teemed with the early morning rush, but Finn Wright's attention was solely focused on the two figures waiting for him. Inspector Amelia Winters stood poised, her striking red hair bright against the otherwise gray morning backdrop. Beside her, Chief Constable Rob Collins stood waiting impatiently.

Finn approached them, his steps quick but measured, his mind still processing the sudden call to action amongst the maelstrom of his relationship with Demi. Amelia's green eyes met his as he stopped with his small suitcase. He could almost see his reflection in them. Their relationship had evolved from professional admiration to a friendship laced with playful banter, a dynamic Finn enjoyed, especially in times like these.
