Page 51 of Make You Want Me

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“Please, tell me about Charlotte. How’d it go?” I ask, and he stares at me for a long moment before he lets out a small smile and plops down on the edge of the coffee table in front of us.?

“Honestly, it was fucking awesome. Cliff was a lot cooler than I thought he’d be for a suit guy. He grew up boxing, so it was good to have that common ground with him. It helped ease conversations. No contract yet, but they’re interested. I feel like after this fight in November, I’ll have a real shot at nailing a manager and hopefully land a contract with the UFC.”?

I inch up on the couch, hanging on to every word.?

“We talked about social media presence, and how I should start filming some of my workouts, nutrition, all that kind of shit. Help me gain a following. I was hoping to talk to Gunnar about that, because I want to showcase Lights Out as well, considering how much they’ve done for me.”?

“I think Gun will be all about that. What a great idea!” I say, sharing my first genuine smile of the day.?

“Yeah, I thought he would too. He’s going to have one of his social media reps contact me with some pointers on what platforms I should be on and what kind of material I should be posting.”?

“What about the sponsors?” I ask, knowing that was another reason he went to Charlotte. He smirks again.?

“KTFO wants to send me some shit to wear in my videos.”?

“Shut the fuck up… You serious? Even though you’re just starting out?” Colton asks.?

“Yeah, the CEO started from nothing and is really into giving up-and-coming fighters a chance.”?

I can't help the swell of pride that fills me. After all his hard work and dedication, it seems like this is really happening for him. I couldn’t be any prouder than I am right now.?

“While I heal, I can help you film. Maybe even come up with some video ideas,” I offer, eager to help him in any way I can.?

“You’ll be fighting beside me in them in no time, baby. The world needs to know what a badass you are too.” He brushes the bruise on my cheek ever-so gently, and I swallow the lump in my throat.?

As his mesmerizing eyes take hold of mine, everything else fades away. The pain, the anger, the embarrassment, all of it. All I can think about is how I will do anything to ensure Nox succeeds.?

“Ugh, will you two take it to his room or something? It’s bad enough I have to share my best friend, but seeing you two all lovey makes my single ass depressed.” Nox pushes on his brother’s shoulder and stands, holding out his hand to assist me off the couch.?

“Come on, let's go lay down. I'm sure you need it,” he says as we walk to his room.?

My body screams at me when I climb into his bed, sweats and all. Normally, I’d be in nothing but one of his t-shirts and my underwear, but I need to keep this protective barrier on.?

Nox carefully lies next to me and wraps his body around mine. “I'm so proud of you, Lennox,” I whisper in the dark. “You’re going to make it big.”

“Thank you, baby. Things are looking up for us.” I can feel his smile against my back, and I close my eyes, letting a lone tear trickle down my cheek. Knowing that today might have changed it all for me, for us.?

Please, don’t let this be the end of everything I’ve worked so hard for.


“Nox, wait up,” Gunnar calls to me when I open the door to Lights Out, ready to get home to check on Emerson.?

“Have you talked to Emmy today?” His pinched eyebrows have ice flooding my veins.?

She has been so off this past month. Ever since re-injuring her wrist, she just hasn’t been her usual self, and I’ve had a bad feeling all day.?

“Is something wrong? I saw her this morning, but I couldn’t get her on the phone in between sessions earlier.”?

When he looks down at his feet, I know what he is going to say before he speaks.?

“I called her earlier.” He runs his hand over his face. “I had to break the news to her. They didn’t accept her into the fight for November.”?

My gut twists, even though I knew it was coming. She’s going to be devastated over this news. I can’t stand the thought of her alone and hurting over this.?

I nod in understanding and turn around to leave, needing to get home to her as fast as I can.?

“Nox…she didn’t sound good, man. I knew she would be upset, but it seemed like something else was up.” His concern has my own rising. The sour feeling I’ve had in my stomach worsens, and I reach for my phone in my pocket to dial her.?

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