Page 37 of Make You Want Me

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There is no resisting Emerson… I want her as mine, in whatever way she is willing to be.?

Sometimes it seems as if this infatuation I have with her hit me all of a sudden, like a ton of bricks. But in all reality, every longing glance, every touch, every conversation, has subconsciously been building up for years.?

There is no denying the fact I won’t be able to keep my feelings for her and the sex between us separate. I knew that the minute I slid inside her last night.?

But for now, I’ll keep pretending for both of our sakes.


It’s the first day of our spring break trip to Lottie’s house in Nori Beach. Most of us drove down today after school, ready to get away from Richmond Hills as fast as we could.?

G’s cousin, Trent, and Lottie’s best friend, Ashley, just flew in from New York, and I stand watching as a bubbly Ashley embraces Emerson like they are old friends. Emerson slowly relaxes into her hug… Genuine human affection is still foreign to her.?

We are working on it, though.?

For the past three months, we have basically been together every moment we can. She spends most of her nights in my bed. Even Lucian’s aware at this point. Emerson knows how protective he is, and she didn’t want him to worry if he checked in on her.?

He approached me about it at the gym a few days later and his only question was why we weren’t public with it. When I told him to ask his sister, that shut the conversation down real quick. Lucian knows me well enough to know I want more from her than just a fuck behind closed doors. Luckily, things won’t be awkward when he and Frankie come down for the day later in the week.?

“That was Nathan. He said they have some people getting together for a bonfire on the beach tomorrow night. Down toward the fort. Y’all wanna go?”?

“You already know it's a yes for me. I’m looking for my perfect Nori Beach girl like you, G.” Ford holds both his fists up to his eyeballs, pretending to be holding binoculars.?

Greyson smacks Ford's hands away from his face. “We get it, pretty boy.”?

Ashley waltzes over to Trent. “I’m going to go put my bikini on so I can join the girls in the jacuzzi.”?

He watches with rapt attention as she sashays into the house. “I think she needs some help, boys… I’ll be back.”?

We all bust out laughing when she is out of earshot.?

“What’s so funny?” Lottie shouts over at us from where she and Emerson are taking their cover-ups off to get into the oversized hot tub.?

“Your boyfriend’s dick,” an immature Ford yells back, eliciting another smack from Greyson.?

She swats her hand in the air at him, used to Ford’s antics at this point. “You know damn well thatthingis nothing to laugh at. Are you guys getting in?”?Her reference to G’s dick has us all laughing again.

My focus shifts instantly when I see the sexy sequin bikini top Emerson has on, and I can’t help but wonder if her nipples are hard beneath the fabric. It’s a warm spring day, but with the breeze coming off the ocean, it has turned into a cool evening.???

Ford takes a few steps toward them. “Come on. I know neither of you wants me in that water with your girls by myself.”?

“Ain’t nobody worried about you, bro.” I laugh at him, as Emerson calls out, “Hey, Champ, will you grab me a High Noon before you come over?”?

Reaching into the cooler, I search for a peach, her favorite. I pass over the black cherry after seeing her barely finish one of those earlier.?

I’m to the point where I notice every detail, down to the smallest things about her.?

“My hero.” She smiles at my outreached hand of booze, giving my hand a little squeeze as I sink down into the seat beside her.?

Even though our friends know there is more to our friendship, we don’t typically go the PDA route.???

That was Emerson’s choice, but her reasoning made sense. She didn’t want us to have to filter a bunch of questions about what we are and aren’t, and if we do it in front of them, they’re more likely to ask.?

Our relationship already confuses the fuck out of me; I don’t need more questions about it. So, I agree to her rules.?

“I can’t wait for you to meet Berkley tomorrow, Emerson,” a beaming Lottie says after Grey fills her in on our plans for tomorrow night. “She’s one of those girls who looks like she should be on the Miss America Stage, but she’s so down to earth and fun. She was wait-listed at the school her boyfriend is going to play football at, but she got into Mountain Ridge, so she may be a lot closer to us next year.”?

Berkley’s boyfriend, Nate, isn’t just going to play college football. He’s going to be the quarterback for Texas Tech, the same school where Patrick Mahomes played QB1.?

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