Page 102 of Bad Boy Romance

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"What do I mean?" I gesture wildly around the room with my fork. "You're hot, you're smart, you're fucking fantastic in bed, and you cook? That's ridiculous. How has some lucky hot girl not snatched you up already?"

"Is the omelet really that delicious?" He shakes his head. "It's only eggs and some veggies. You should really try cooking more, Clove."

I narrow my eyes. "I cook! I make a mean ramen noodle soup."

"Packet ramen doesn't count."

I roll my eyes now. "Yeah, well. My ineptitude in the kitchen aside, you're still a catch. So my question stands."

"Which question?"

Now I frown. "The why you're single one, obviously."

"Oh, you know. Same reason anyone is single."

"That's not exactly an answer," I point out.

"Maybe I just haven't met the right girl yet."

"The fact that you're so obviously dodging the question makes me think there's more to it than that," I reply, shaking my fork at him.

He sighs and takes another bite of his omelet. Takes his time chewing it and drinking a long sip of coffee before he answers me. "I don't trust a lot of people," he finally admits. "I haven't exactly had the best history when it comes to dating."

I snort. When he looks hurt, I spread my hands. "Sorry. I just meant... I mean, obviously I don't have the best track record either. You had to beat up my most recent stalker of a first date, for Christ's sake. I can relate."

"Yeah, he seemed like a real winner. Dating in this town..." Zayne shakes his head.

I frown at him. He's still dodging. There's something he's not telling me. But then again, how long has he known me? A couple of days? No wonder he doesn't want to go too deep into his backstory. So, fine. He can be weird about this if he wants.

"What's your weekend look like?" he asks, and I let him change the subject this time.

"Dunno. I was going to use the time to catch up on some reading for work, but..."

He grins at me. Raises an eyebrow. "But?"

"But, I could be persuaded to be naughty and slack off. If, you know... a more interesting opportunity presented itself."

He takes my plate, the omelet already mostly devoured since I couldn't help but inhale the deliciousness. Then, gently, he sets it on the end table, his own plate with it. "Is that right?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm easily influenced." I grin.

He leans toward me. Places one hand on either side of me, and stares down at me. "So, if some other plans came up that involved, say... spending most of the weekend naked and splayed across my bed..."

"I wouldn't object. No." I raise an eyebrow.

He breaks into a grin too. Then he grabs my hands and pulls me upright. Without warning, he hoists me up, tossing me back over his shoulder and slapping my ass on the way up. "Good. Because I had some plans of my own in mind. And they do not involve letting this sexy little minx get away just yet..."

I squeal and kick my legs in faux distress as he carries me back to the bedroom. Frankly, I could get used to this.
