Page 75 of Desperate Acts

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Reluctantly, she untangled herself from Kaden’s warm grasp and glanced at the screen on her watch.


Kaden flashed her a frustrated smile, shoving his fingers through the silky strands of his hair.

“‘Strange’ is not a word a man wants to hear after he kisses a woman.”

“Sorry. The sheriff’s office is calling. I should get this.”

Turning, she hurried out of the office, through the living room, and into the spare bedroom she’d used the night before. She’d left her phone charging on a dresser. She snatched it up and managed to connect the call before it could be dumped into her voice mail.

“Hello.” Her brows snapped together as she heard a familiar voice. “Hi, Anthony. Is anything wrong?” She listened to his breathless words, her mouth falling open in shock. “Oh my God. I’m in Madison now, but I can meet you at the store in a couple of hours.”

She disconnected the call and glanced toward Kaden, who had followed her into the bedroom.

“What’s going on?” he demanded.

“They found Ryan Burke in a freezer at the meatpacking plant.”

Kaden looked puzzled. “Was he hurt?”

“He’s dead.”

Chapter 17

Kaden grabbed his suitcase and the files from his brother’s office and bundled Lia into his Jeep in record time. They were both silent on the drive back to Pike, trying to process the thought that the man they’d just spoken with the day before was dead.

It was unnerving.

And worrisome.

Both Drew Hurst and Judge Armstrong had been strangers to Kaden. Just names of people who had been attacked. This death was a lot more personal.

Pulling into the alley behind Porter’s Grocery Store, Kaden shut off the engine and studied the empty space where the SUV was usually parked.

“Your vehicle is gone,” he pointed out the obvious.

“I called Sykes to have them repair the window.” She climbed out of the Jeep, digging in her purse to retrieve her keys. “They’ll bring it back when it’s done.”

Kaden joined her, holding his suitcase and her overnight bag as she jiggled the knob and the door swung open. He grimaced, knowing it wouldn’t take a stuntman to easily kick through the flimsy lock. Anyone walking through the alley could force their way in.

“You need an upgrade on your security system,” he muttered as they walked into her office so he could set down the bags.

“Yes,” she agreed without hesitation. “I’ll have to call someone from Grange to put in new cameras and change the locks. Unfortunately, this time of year means it will take a while for them to get out here.”

Kaden bit back his offer to call in one of his buddies, who could give her Pentagon-grade protection. Lia was perfectly capable of deciding what security system she wanted and had plenty of money to pay for it. She wasn’t the type of woman who wanted anyone interfering in her business. Including him.

Still, he wasn’t happy at the knowledge she was vulnerable while a maniac stalked the streets of Pike.

“I don’t like the thought of you here alone,” he muttered.

She turned to face him, a teasing smile curving her lips. “I’m not alone.”

“True.” Kaden struggled out of his coat before tossing it onto a nearby chair and moving to wrap his arms around Lia. His body tensed, his passion flaming to a fever pitch as her fresh, lemon scent filled his senses. His mind might whisper he needed to take things slow, but his desire for her was quickly spiraling out of control. Tugging her closer, he lowered his head. “Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?”

His mouth had barely brushed her parted lips when the sound of a vehicle rumbling into the alley echoed through the office.

“That must be Anthony,” she whispered.
