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Like a date?

“Fine. RSVP yes for me, plus one,” I tell him. “My assistant is going down a day early as well.” It isn’t unheard of for any of our assistants to go with us anywhere so Nigel doesn’t even bat an eye.

“Wonderful, I’ll do this now. Now, Thursday—” he starts when there’s another knock on the door.

“I’ll look it over and email you back,” I tell him. “Come in,” I say as I make my way towards the door, praying that it’s Raegan this time. My prayers are answered when I see her peek her head in and give me a sweet smile before her gaze sweeps to Nigel on my couch.

“Mr. Beckham, I have your coffee and I have a few messages for you, but I can come back if you’re busy.”

“Not necessary. Nigel was just leaving.” I open the door wider and usher her in before taking the coffee from her hands. “Thank you.” I try not to let my gaze linger on her while Nigel is in the room but she’s wearing a gray pencil skirt that highlights her waist and her gorgeous legs and now I’m picturing them wrapped around my waist…or my neck.

“I want an answer by the end of the day,” he says and I scoff in response.

“You’ll get an answer when you get an answer,” I say as I close the door before he can respond.

I turn around, keeping my back against the door as I drag my eyes up Raegan’s body, slowly, relishing in the fact that we are alone and I can openly stare at her.

“Hey.” She smiles when my eyes reach hers.

“Hey.” I hold up the lidded paper cup. “Thank you for the coffee.” I push off the door and make my way towards her my smile getting wider with every step I get closer to her. “And for letting me see this face.” I cup her chin and tilt it upwards.

“We are supposed to be behaving,” she whispers just before my lips brush against hers.

“I am behaving. I could have my hand up your skirt.”

She bites her bottom lip and looks at the door behind me then back to me, and I can almost hear her thinking about whether we could misbehave alittle. I’m about to suggest that when my door opens and Chris walks in with his phone pressed to his ear. I take a step back from Raegan and Chris looks at us with a shit-eating grin. I can sense the nerves flowing off of Raegan and I want to tell her that it’s fine and that Chris already knows.

Even though I told her she couldn’t tell anyone.

“Let me call you back,” he says before he closes the door behind him.

“Forget how to knock?” I ask him with a glare.

“Excuse me for not expecting you to be busy when we have a meeting in two minutes with Jason from the sales team.”

“Fuck.” I grit out. “Miss Graham, can you hold my calls for the next hour and please shut my door on your way out?” She nods once before she’s out the door without another look at me.

I’d only barely brushed my lips against hers when I’d fully planned to kiss her senseless when I saw her.

“Fifteen whole minutes,” Chris says, looking at his watch. “That’s got to be a record.”

“Don’t bust my balls.”

“HR will cut them off if they find out.”

“They’re not going to if you keep your mouth shut and don’t walk into my office without knocking.”

The following day I’m sitting at my desk when I hear Marissa from behind me. “So, what time are you getting to the airport on Thursday? I’m considering getting there a little early to get a mimosa or a shot or something to get a nice buzz before the flight.”

I hadn’t told anyone I was flying to Miami a day early with Wes, not because I was hiding it, but because it hadn’t come up. We’d had a meeting yesterday regarding our trip and Wes hadn’t mentioned that we’d be going a day early, so I’m not sure if it’s a secret or if he just wants to keep people—namely Chris—out of his business. I have a sneaking suspicion that he knows what is going on.

I’d been able to get away with my Irish exit from the holiday party because Marissa was pretty drunk, but she’d definitely pressed the question of whether anything happened between Wes and me. I’d told her I suddenly wasn’t feeling well and I went home. Luckily, she seemed to buy it.

I spin around in my chair to face her and she’s already facing me. “Oh, I’m actually going down tomorrow.”

She takes a sip of her coffee and cocks her head to the side. “What? Why?”

“Because Wes decided to go a day early.”
