Page 94 of Sunshine Love

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“You guys sound great!”I say, clapping my hands. “You’re really getting it. I’m so impressed.”

Both Daisy, hair in cornrows and wearing a gap-toothed grin, and Alex, with ribbons in her hair, clap and give each other high fives.

“There’s a part near the chorus that’s a little pitchy from you, Alex, but we can work on that,” I say. “I think you guys are almost ready for the talent show. I’m so proud of you both.”

Alex is feeling way better today, and, of course, Daisy was only concerned about her wellbeing and not upset about her running out on the slumber party. The girls have been practicing hard for the end of summer talent show, and they’ve gone from out of tune to rocking it in a few weeks.

“We couldn’t have done it without your help,” Daisy announces. “I think this calls for a round of cookies.”

“Yeah!” Alex grins. “That’s fine, right? I’m allowed sugar today?”

“There’s nothing indicating otherwise on the sheet. So, yeah, I’d say so. But we’ve got to head home afterward, okay?”

“Got it!”

Daisy and Alex run through the comfy living room in Daisy’s moms’ house and into the kitchen. I sit on the leather sofa, grateful for the AC. It’s hot as hell out there, and thinking is out of the question in this weather.

That’s probably for the best, though, since thinking means worrying about my applications and Cash, and all the complicated feelings that are bubbling beneath the surface.

“Heading out?” Sara smiles at me from the doorway. She’s tall and elegant, and it makes me wonder if she was a ballet dancer at some point in her life.

“Yeah, Sara, thanks,” I say. “I think we’re done for the day.”

“I don’t know if anyone’s told you this,” Sara says, “but you should be a music teacher.”


“I’ve watched you with the girls, and you’re amazing at it.”

“You’re too kind,” I say. “You really think so? A music teacher?” I hadn’t considered it. I’m not sure what qualifications are necessary for that, but it’s an interesting idea.

“You did mention you wanted to get a teaching degree, right?”


Sara opens her arms as if to suggest that it’s decided. I’m a music teacher now. I laugh at her enthusiasm.

“Here’s the thing,” Sara says, “you’ve helped Alex and Daisy so much over the past few weeks. I’m actually looking for a nanny, and with your skillset and the way you’ve been with the kids? I don’t want to poach you from Cash, or whatever, but let me know if you’re ever available.”

“For real?” I ask, my heart skipping a beat.

“You’ve got my number,” Sara says. “And feel free to tell Cash that I asked. I don’t want him to think I’m being shady.”

“Thanks, Sara. I appreciate the offer. I’ll think about it.” I don’t want to be a full-time nanny, but it’s good to have options like this. And I like Daisy. She’s a good kid.

Alex darts back into the living room to grab her backpack, cookie crumbs clinging to the corners of her mouth. “I’ll call you tonight, Daze.”

“Talk later, Lexi!”

I grin at the stage names they’ve picked then say goodbye to Sara, and we head out. Alex and I stop for ice cream on the way back to the house, and the summer vibes are immaculate. She eats her ice cream on the hood of the car, getting smears of it on her face and hands, and I help her clean up as she regales me with tales of the last show she watched. The folks who pass by grin and wave.

This is the perfect summer, and just that thought gives me butterflies in my stomach. It’s going to end soon.

We get back into Ol’ Rutsty, and Alex turns to me. “You’re the best nanny ever, June. I wish you would never leave.”

“Thanks, honey.” I give her a side-hug. “Seatbelts on. Let’s hit the road.”

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